Access to our  Workbook for the Heavenly Earth Series that is located on our Christian Eternality YouTune Channel. Each of the Five-Series of videos includes commentary and interactive exercises in our free Workbook. Press the Download LINK for your copy. Our Youtube Channel videos , provides incentives for eventual enrollment into our Eternal Living Now Academy. The combination of information provided in our Training Academy, YouTube Channel, Heavenly Earth program, in addition to the tools and additional resources that are available in our Resource Store, provide a comprehensive education on the eternal realities of God in heaven, on earth. Christian Eternality is the modern 22nd century approach to understanding how you can live an eternal lifestyle on a daily basis. Access, education, and utilization of all of our tools and resources will help you to be in command of information regarding the eternal message, meaning and ministry of Christ as fulfillment of your own life-purpose.

A copy of the Workbook companion for Heavenly Earth videos on our Youtube Channel, may be reviewed below, or downloaded by pressing the WOrkbook Download  Link on this page.



          Roland S. Ruffin 2020 ©

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.


Copyright: Library of Congress.

First printing 2020

2nd edition printed 2019








CHAPTER -1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 05

The Paradigm Shift  in Identity is Now



CHAPTER -2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

The Ultimate Problem & Solution



CHAPTER-3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

Application of Heavenly Solutions



CHAPTER-4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29

Transformation through Companionship with Heavenly Solutions



CHAPTER-5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35

Divine Nature within the Collective equals the Future-Now



CHAPTER-6 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39

Connecting the Heavenly Dots on earth






This workbook serves as a inter-active companion for informercials on the Christian Eternality YouTube Channel and Podcast Forums facilitated by Roland, and Pennie Ruffin.

America, is arguably at a pivotal point in history, in terms of racial relations, wealth re-distribution, and personal safety. Christians of color, and all Christians, who desire to understand the Bible from its original Eastern Afro-Asiatic cultural context, in the Middle-East, need a safe platform for heartfelt discussions, regarding solutions, and true biblical identity, that affect change, and vehicle the original heavenly interest of God into our earth.

Heavenly Living Now Forum discussions, based upon excerpts in this Heavenly Living Now Workbook Manual, in addition to Power Point presentations, and Forum guest speakers, will be offered online for each of the six chapters in this Heavenly Living Now Workbook.  Opportunities for participation in more advanced courses through the Eternal Living Now Academy (, are recommended upon completion of this book and Heavenly Living Now videos at the Christian Eternality YouTube

May the Lord bless you, to continue to be a generational blessing, as you complete this workbook, the Heavenly Living Now Videos, the Heavenly Living Now textbook, and Online Discussion Forums  as a required preparation for enrollment into the Eternal Living Now Academy of Advanced Courses.



Roland & Pennie








It is the responsibility of all Christians, to take the lead in the re-discovery, and development, of Eastern Afro-Asiatic contextual interpretations of our Bible. For example, the origin, and bases for the creation of the Hebrew alphabet, was arguably Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Hebrew language, as an oral tradition, preceded their 400-year residence in EGYPT. However, Hebrew, as a written language, occurred post 1440 B.C.E., after 433 years of residence in Egypt with Egyptian culture, language, and social influence.  Scholars are finally admitting that the Hebrew alphabet was a derivation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic alpha-numeric-picture-letter writing system (Dr. Petrovitch Discovers Hebrew Alphabet Derived From Egyptian Hieroglyphics: The scholarly conspiracy to hide the fact, that an African alphabet and language, served as a basis for the formation of our Hebrew Scriptures, is shameful.                                                                                                       


Also, the Greek alphabet was derived from the Mycenean alphabet system, which originated as a derivation from the Egyptian hieroglyphic alpha-numeric-picture-letter writing system (Egyptian Influence on Minoan Religion and Culture; ON 30 MAY 202017 BY JEWEl medMEDLEYIN ARTHUMANITIESLANGUAGE). Listen closely people, the Hebrew and Greek origins of our Bible would not be possible, without the African writing system. Connect the dots, without Africa, no Hebrew Bible, without the Bible, no Jewish or Christian legacy as we know it, and without Africa, no modern written record of the ministry of Christ, as recorded in the scriptures, for me or you. Just in case you missed it, without Africa, there would be no existence of Judeo-Christianity, as we presently understand it.  Example, did you know that the Hebrew and Greek alphabets, were ultimately derived from African languages?  Your inarticulation, is not by accident, but by calculative design. Now, you see my point!


More information on this subject is provided in the complete Heavenly Earth Now book at www.


In the book entitled, Eternal Living Now -Intermediate Level by Roland Ruffin, important information is provided concerning the prevention of eternal identity theft as follows: 


As a victim of identity theft, I can sympathize with the thousands of people, who have suffered loss, due to the invasion of their personal life, finances, and destruction of their careers. Identity theft is a painful, and unforgettable experience for victims. However, the worst identity theft, occurs when your identity is stolen, eternally. Temporary identity loss, can be redeemed with temporary solutions, whereas, eternal identity loss, requires eternal solutions. An example of eternal identity theft, is a person, who identifies their salvation in Christ, based upon an ephemeral  denominational identity. For example, “I am a denomination,” i.e., I am a Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Church of God in Christ, or Catholic Christian.” Why are denominational labels, for your eternal relationship in Christ, equivalent to identity theft? The answer is, “there are no Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Franciscans, or any Christians, identified or labeled by a denomination, in heaven!” Denominations are temporal religious creations of mankind, not eternal or everlasting realities of God. You will never see racial, or denominational group labels around the Throne of God in heaven, because eternal identity, is never based upon man-made labels, but God-natured existence. 



Rather, than a denominational label, that will never exist in heaven, let’s choose a functional ID, like Eternal Companions, for a better description of our everlasting, in-Christ relationship, on this earth, and the new world, to come. Why are we Eternal Companions? Well, Christ is eternal as God the Son, and the Son of God. An In-Christ relationship, means that we exist, in union with the eternal nature of Christ, in a way, that our nature of soul/spirit is transformed, or born-again, into the same nature as Christ (1 Cor 6:17; Rom 8:16). Jesus Christ, the Head, and you and me, his Body, are of the same nature, as we are born-again into this Head/Body-union, by the Spirit of Christ ( John 3:5,6). Since God changes us into His nature because, we never change God into our fallen nature, we are evolving in greater awareness, regarding the eternal nature of Christ within us, as the eternal basis, for our companionship with God, through Christ. This means that the Divine Nature of God, that is the ONLY nature in His heavenly household, is the same Divine Nature, in-Christ, and his Body (us). The eternal life of Christ, is also the eternal life within our soul/spirit, in-Christ, right now. Popular Western religious beliefs wants you to think that eternal life occurs somewhere in the future in another realm of the heavenly universe. This is because Western thinking sees life-eternal  as a detachment from one’s being, rather than an inclusion, in the immediate union of Oneness with God, in-Christ, as understood in Eastern Afro-Asiatic thinking. Jesus died, and rose from the grave, to offer an Eternal Companionship in Oneness, that is heavenly, and a next-world-to come- relationship.  Your companionship with God, through Christ, is priceless in value, because it is an eternal, and everlasting bond, between the Head, and Body of Christ, as an eternal union, in heaven or earth. Eternal Companionship, insures relationship with an adult God, Who does not throw a temper-tangent, or dis-own, denounce or detention, individuals of His nature,  whenever people fail to meet His expectations.  The idea that you are never quite good enough, and always just one step-shy of going to hell whenever God becomes angry at your imperfections, is a great strategy for keeping people dependent upon religious authorities for receipt of the full benefits of salvation, in addition to commitment to financial support, as a guilt-incentivized requirement to sustain receipt of financial benefits. The truth is, money will not buy or guarantee your salvation, and the Holy Spirit is the greatest money-free teacher, for the people of God from an Afro-Asiatic perspective. Time to experience our God, above, and beyond, the reach of monetized Plantation teachings about the Bible and Christianity.



Though we are not known denominationally in God’s household in heaven, we are, and will be known functionally as Eternal Companions of God, through Christ. Our relationship with God, in-Christ, will exist as long as God exist. That means, Eternal Companionship with Christ, is an intimate, everlasting, perpetual, eternal relationship, in-Christ, forever. I know these words are hard to hear for some people, because you have been inundated with fear of hell language, or heavy sin-conscious critiques of our demonic selves, or the idea that eternity occurs after death. Over and over again, you have been told about what you should not do, cannot be, ought to do, your fallen, sinful nature, your secret sins, and how you are on your way to hell, unless you fulfill a list of things that please the plantation God. You have been taught, that because you exist as a deficiency, then you should invest constant energy into living a righteous life, as defined by the bible, according to your denomination. Time to wake-up, and stop trying to see your heavenly personality, from an earthly perspective, and start seeing your heavenly personality, in-Christ, through a heavenly lens, and a Throne room perspective. Trust me, your failures, fallen nature, less-than perfect habits, etc., will not exist in heaven anyway. However, your eternal identity, as the nature of Christ, the character of God, in-Christ, and as the behavioral expression of Divine Nature, through Christ, will always be the lens through which the heavenly society will see your life, and lifestyle. Time to see yourself, the way your heavenly household sees you, rather than through the lens of impossible rules, and regulations of man-made religious ideologies, that major on your deficiencies, and not your magnificence, in-Christ.



You are an Eternal Companion of God, in Christ. This is your functional, everlasting identity. Don’t allow a temporary, mundane, earthy, denominational, religious, cultural, or national identity, steal your eternal ID. Your relationship with Christ, is not a temporary agreement, but an everlasting covenant. Heaven is aware of your Eternal Companionship, time for you to become aware also. Time to see yourself, as you are seen, and know yourself, as you are already known, in heaven. If you can see yourself from a heavenly viewpoint, then you can live on earth from a heavenly point of view.  This is what Heavenly Living Now is all about.

Why should you live heavenly, on earth? Because one day, all kingdoms in this world, will be transformed into a heavenly society, with Christ as the Messiah (Rev. 11:15). The society of heaven, is earth’s future. Your decision to live heavenly, on earth, is a decision to live the future, in our now.  We need to see the future as progress, and not the past. That means we need to witness who you are becoming, as an Eternal Companion in-Christ, rather than a Christian denominational label, that will one day pass- away, as the past.



O.K. let’s connect the dots.

·       Since eternal life is in-Christ, then your in-Christ relationship includes eternal life. Right?   Right!  Ahh-moment….

·       Since eternal life, exist in Christ right now, then eternal life, exists in your in-Christ relationship, right now. Right?

·       As eternal life exist within Christ as the Head of the Body, so does eternal life exist within the Body of the Head, since the union of both are of the same nature, as the Head & Body, of Christ. Right?

·       Finally, as Christ exists eternally, his life within you, and AS you, will exist forever. This means, in-Christ, you exist eternally because his life exists eternally within you. You, and Christ, are Eternal Companions, because the Spirit of Christ within your spirit/soul, exist as a union of ONE, forever.  Right?

v If all of your answers were Right, then you understand the Logic Model.


So, who are you, eternally? Your highest, best, and most authentic self, in-Christ, is seen when Divine persona, becomes more visible than your ephemeral flesh and blood. God’s nature, and personality, is eternal and everlasting. Your human nature of flesh, and blood, is ephemeral, and temporary, in nature. When the eternal persona of God, is seen more through your life than your ephemeral nature, the world sees the best you, the future you, and your eternal personality. God’s persona of love, peace, joy, compassion, mercy, life, redemption, righteousness, dominance, authority, and patience, is both who, and what, your best self looks like as an Eternal Companion of God, in-Christ. Yes, Eternal Companionship, is a good look on you. Much better than seeing yourself as a poor, disgraceful, sinner, barely saved by grace, full of secret sins, while constantly waiting on punishment rather than reward from God, because of secrets. Do you think for one minute, that poor, disgraceful, sinners, barely saved by grace, will participate in the greatness of heavenly Throne room events, forever? No, because heaven is only interested in truth, not manipulation. Heaven could care less about deficient, self-depreciating, negative views, that keep you feeling like your existence,  is a deficit in life on a plantation. The Kingdom of Heaven is full of life (eternal) and focuses on full experiences of life (everlasting), which have no room for self-views, that originate from lack, deficits, sin-consciousness ,or death. Everything that exist in the eternal life (of Christ), is more than wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, and magnanimous. This means, that in-Christ, and within the Kingdom of heaven, you are wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, and magnanimous. This is who you are, from heaven’s viewpoint. Please, dare to see yourself through this heavenly lens, because as you see, you behave, and as you behave, you transform the world around you. Your decisions, to behave the heavenly nature within your Eternal Companionship with Christ, is not only self-transforming, but also will have a transformative impact upon your family, environment, and world.

Before we continue reading, I need you to confess to yourself the following:

“ I am not a Christian mistake, but an Eternal Companion of God, in-Christ, forever. My eternal identity, and behavior, as an Eternal Companion, is an agreement with heaven’s viewpoint of me. My Eternal Companionship with God, through Christ, provides the lens for me to see myself, as I am seen in heaven, know myself, as I am known in heaven, and to exercise a lifestyle of heavenly behavior, on earth, through Christ.”


Continue confessing your eternal identity, as a fully functional, Eternal Companion of God, in-Christ, until habitual self-confessions, that originate from obsessions with deficiencies, sin-consciousness, and death, surrender to your eternal identity.




·       In your own words, define the concept of Eternal Companions of God, in-Christ.

·       Why does the author emphasize the origination of  authentic Christian and biblical culture, as Eastern Afro-Asiatic?

·       How does Eternal Companionships, differ from the idea of Christian identity, taught by Indo-European interpretation of Christianity?

·       Write down how this chapter has introduced new concepts or information to you.




Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed


Though we are not be known ___________ in God’s household in heaven, we are, and will be known __________ as Eternal Companions of God, through Christ. Our relationship with God, in-Christ, will exist as long as God exist. That means, Eternal Companionship with Christ, is an intimate, everlasting, perpetual, eternal, relationship, in-Christ, forever. I know these words are hard to hear for some people, because you have been __________ with fear of hell language, or heavy sin-conscious critiques of our demonic selves. Over and over again, you have been told about what you should not do, cannot be, ought to do, your fallen, sinful nature, your secret __________, and how you are on your way to hell, unless you fulfill a list of things that please God. You have been taught that you are never enough, and that you should invest constant energy into living a righteous life, as defined by the bible, according to your denomination. Time to wake-up, and stop trying to see your heavenly __________, from an earthly perspective, and start seeing your heavenly personality, in-Christ, through a __________  ____, and a Throne room __________. Trust me, your failures, fallen nature, less-than perfect habits, etc., will not exist in heaven. However, your __________ identity, as the nature of Christ, the character of God, in-Christ, and as the __________ expression of Divine Nature, through Christ, will always be the lens through which the heavenly society will see your life, and lifestyle. Time to see yourself, the way your heavenly household sees you, rather than through the lens of impossible rules, and regulations of man-made religious __________, that major on your __________, and not your __________, in-Christ.

A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin








The  Problem: Sin, before Adam:


Many Christians are well informed of the Sin problem that occurred in the Garden of Eden. Also, many believe the problem with Sin began on this earth. A correct understanding of the problem of Sin requires an examination of its origin in the heavenlies. According to the bible, we know that there is a heaven of heavens where the Throne of God exist, in addition to the existence of various dimensional spheres of the heavens (Deut. 10:14; 1Ki 8:27). We also know that there was a time when Satan (Lucifer) had access to the Throne room in heaven (Job 1:6, Ezek. 28:14,15; Isa 14:12-14). No one knows whether Sin was discovered in a region of the heaven of heavens or one of the various celestial spheres of the heavens, but we do know that Sin originated within Satan in a celestial region, and not on the earth. It is also important to know that Satan was not a human being, neither any of the angels that joined his rebellion against the heaven of heavens. Therefore, the nature of the Sin, that Satan introduced to Adam and Eve, was non-human and inhumane in its origin and essence. Sin is not human, never was human, and never will be human. The ultimate result of the control of Sin over a person’s life, is a less-than human existence.

The nature of Sin is the reason why humanity has an earthly, terrestrial problem that originated from a celestial, heavenly region beyond the earth. The unearthly problem of Sin requires an unearthly solution.


Sin, through Adam:

Adam was the first human creation of God and therefore was the DNA progenitor of humanity. When Adam sinned, his infected DNA, also generationally infected the DNA of every reproduction from Adam, that included you and me ( Rom 5:12). Impressions of the inhumane, fallen nature of Sin are the fallen expressions of our present culture of death and fear and criminal activity. For every advance towards healing in our society, the nature of Sin creates backward steps towards destruction, less-than human activity and death.


Sin, through the ultimate evolution of Adam’s DNA:

As the unearthly nature of Sin evolves and matures within humanity, the less-than human nature of Sin will evolve humanity into the likeness of the fallen angels from heaven. The nature of Sin is opposite the nature of God, therefore sinful humanity will progressively evolve more and more into whatever is opposite of Who God is.  Becoming the total opposite of God is an existence worse than hell. A Sin-infected humanity simply cannot heal itself. Since Sin originated in the heavenlies beyond the earth, then healing must also come from beyond the earth, as the heavenly problem of Sin, requires a heavenly solution of salvation.


The heavenly solution to a heavenly problem:

God’s solution for the Sin problem on earth, originated from the heaven of heavens. The accomplished Will of God in heaven, corrected, restored, and removed the damage that Sin created in the heavenlies. Jesus confirmed that the heaven of heavens is now whole and restored when he revealed that (presently) the Will of God “is done” in heaven (Matt. 6:10). God’s Will, in heaven, is also God’s Solution, within, and for, His heavenly household on earth. Jesus informed us, that God’s heavenly agenda includes, revealing His Will on earth, as His heavenly solution, for Sin, in our world. In other words, the heavenly Will of God is the solution for all the problems of humanity on earth. Heaven is more than just a haven for relief. In heaven, is the Solution, to our problems on earth.





Since Sin occurred in celestial places, a celestial solution was provided for both heaven and earth. Plainly stated, the fulfillment of the Will of God, regarding heaven’s solution for Sin, is accomplished through Jesus Christ. For example, because of Jesus, an Altar existed in the Tabernacle in heaven (Heb 8:5; Rev 11:19; 15:5). Angels, who never sinned, could only wonder why an Altar and Tabernacle, existed in heaven, since the meaning for both include atonement for Sin/sins. Because Jesus died as an atonement for Sin, he is qualified to provide heavenly priestly duties, in behalf, of the damage Sin caused in heaven and earth (Heb 7:26; 8:1,2; Rev 5:11-13). Also, because of Jesus, your name, and my name, were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life in heaven, as a heavenly solution for earth, before the completion of earth’s creation (Rev. 13:8). Finally, Because of Jesus in heaven, people on earth have the opportunity to become God’s picture of us within His heart, before the creation of the earth, as His beloved, holy, blameless, and adopted family (Eph 1:4,5).   The bible does not indicate how the meaning of Jesus’ presence, and priesthood in heaven, corrected the damage, that Satan/Sin created in the  celestial presence of God. We really do not know the full extent of the separation, division, and infiltration of iniquity, that Satan introduced to the angels of God that joined his celestial rebellion in the heavenlies. However, we do know that Jesus confirmed, that restoration in heaven has occurred, when he informed us during his prayer that the Will of God in heaven is presently being done ( Matt 6:10). I am sure, that one day, a revelation will be released, as to how the meaning, message, and ministry of Jesus, affected restoration in heaven, long before heavenly restoration was replicated on earth. Once again, an Altar, Tabernacle, Lambs’ Book of Life, and Divine vision of a redeemed people within the heart of God, all existed as a heavenly solution for Sin, before the completion of earth’s creation. Never forget, the meaning, and ministry of Jesus, as a heavenly solution for Sin, began in the heavenlies, long before he was born to die on a cross on earth.  Now let us see how the heavenly meaning, message, and ministry of Jesus, also, became God’s heavenly solution for Sin on earth, in the following paragraphs.



jesus: the HEAVENLY SOLUTION on earth

The Trinity, as the authority of the Father in heaven, the sacrificial, and atoning priesthood posture of the Son/Lamb of God, and the omnipresence, and empowerment, of the Seven-Fold Spirit of God, all participated in the Spirit of Oneness, in the discovery, judgement and removal of Satan/Sin from the heaven of heavens. God, the Father, authorized the ministry and revelation of the Son (Rev 1:1; Jn 12:50;14:10), God the Son, became a sacrificial Lamb in heaven for the household of God in heaven ( Rev 5:9), God, the Spirit, became the empowerment for the Son, and the angels of God, against the fallen angels of Satan ( Matt 12:8; Rev 12:9). The meaning, and ministry, of Jesus in heaven, was transferred to our earth because, Sin in the heavenlies, had also transferred to earth. The participation of God the Father, Son, and Spirit, in dealings with the problem of Sin in the heavenlies, continued on earth. Like in heaven, the Father authorized, the Son became the sacrificial lamb and priest, and the Spirit became the source of empowerment for restoration, healing, wholeness, and expulsion of demons in our world. As the Father, Son and Spirit, operated as the celestial solution to the presence of Sin in heaven, a similar operation occurred on earth, for earth’s redemption. For example, healing in heaven became healing on earth, i.e., expulsion of fallen entities in heaven, also became expulsion of fallen demonic spirits on earth, the powers of the Holy Spirit in heaven were also demonstrated as the power to heal, resurrect and perform the miraculous on earth. Many exercises of Divine authority in ministry on earth, was simply a repeat of occurrences in the celestials before earth.

Once again, the ministry, meaning, and message of Jesus, originated in heaven. From heaven, Jesus was born of, and from, the Spirit in heaven, on this earth (Matt 1:20). As the Lamb of God in heaven, Jesus was also born to be sacrificed as a Lamb of God on earth, for the Sin/sins of the world (Jn 1:36). While portrayed as a wounded Lamb in heaven, Jesus came to earth to die, only to overcome death, by transcending it, through a resurrection, after three days in a grave. Sin, and death, evolve from each other. Jesus became death, so that he could defeat it, by creating a new form of Life through Death, as a new state of existence. Jesus became the First Fruits of the “Firstborn from the dead” (Rev. 1:5; 1 Cor. 15:20,23). This new First Fruit Species, never existed in heaven, or earth, before Christ. Jesus took on our infected lives of Sin, and in exchange, he gave us the new state of his existence, as a new creation, in heaven, or earth. As Jesus rose from the grave, as a new species, our In-Christ relationship, makes us his new species also. Sin cannot rule over this new species, because, Sin, never infected the new species that Christ is, and we are. Christ Jesus, the new species, is heaven’s solution, on earth, and for earth.  An important point to remember, is that you, yes, you, are a new uncorrupted species in-Christ. Although Sin caused corruption in heaven and on earth, it never corrupted the new creation and species that you are in-Christ, because this new species/creation has been hidden from Sin within Christ. The Devil and plantation religion, wants you to continue to focus on what is sinful, fallen flesh natured, or less than perfect in your life and lifestyle. YOUR FALLEN FLESH-NATURE WILL NEVER BE IN HEAVEN ANYWAY! Time to stop fulfilling the desires of your adversary by choosing to focus your attention, energy and devotion to knowing and living the new species and creation that you are in-Christ, “because, old things have passed away and behold all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). Your life is not found in your natural fallen flesh nature, but in the spiritual new species nature of Christ within you. Come on, it is time to move from daily self-criticism to celebration, because, you are born-again as a heavenly nature, that is God’s solution for Sin on earth. Solution, not Sin, is what you see every day as you look in your mirror, as you awaken, and before you sleep. Solution, not Sin, is your focus throughout your day. Solution, not Sin is the basis for your communication with others at home, on your job, and within the secret thoughts of your own mind. Solution, you are. Solution, you exist. Solution, you be and behave. You are a Solution, not a problem. Don’t forget this truth. You live in-Christ, not on a plantation. See and Act accordingly.

Not only did Jesus exist as the Divine solution to the problem of Sin, he also executed the Oneness of God, as  heaven’s solution on earth, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Oneness, with God in heaven, or earth, is the solution for Sin (John 17:21).  The Holy Spirit, empowered Christ, and his disciples, with life over death, salvation over sin, and eternal life, over ephemeral life. Remember, the authority of the Father, atonement of the Son, and empowerment of the Spirit, was the heavenly solution for Sin, before earth, and during the ministry of Christ in 1st century A.D., and continues, to be the heavenly solution for Sin on earth, even during our present century.  The heavenly operation of the Holy Spirit through your life, and lifestyle, provides the world, with a demonstration of heaven’s solution for Sin on earth. Logically, this means, that as the Father is heaven’s solution, and the Son is heaven’s solution, and as the Holy Spirit is heaven’s solution on earth, then… wait for it, wait for it, here it comes…. then, you, in-Christ, are heaven’s solution for Sin, and for restoration on earth. 

Not only does the meaning, ministry, and message of Christ in heaven, provide the solution for sin on earth, but also,  the society, social laws, citizens and culture of the community in heaven, provides celestial resources for the ministry of Christ, on earth. In fact, heaven, itself, is a resource, for ministry on earth that produces heavenly results.


CELESTIAL – heavenly RESOURCE solution:

People on earth, have received authorization to access heavenly solutions, and resources, to achieve a heavenly lifestyle on earth.  Heaven provides two types of resources for human-beings on earth: Eternal and Heavenly Resources:

Eternal resources:  Type #1

Remember, whatever is eternal, existed before the creation of time, and will continue to exist through and beyond the creation of time. The eternality of God’s Personhood, and behavioral expressions of His Being, are both eternal. This simply means that God is eternal and characteristics of His character, i.e., Love, Joy, Peace, Holiness, Righteousness, etc., are also eternal since they are the core-character of His eternal Being. Our alignment, agreement and participation with the dynamic activity of God’s Personality through Jesus Christ, makes our Divine/human companionship, a heavenly resource by default, as our behavioral   presence on earth reveals God’s throne room agenda for Christ in heaven, in eternal and transformative ways that can be seen, felt, and experienced,  in our world through us. For example, God is Love as a Person, but His behavioral activity includes the dynamic activity of loving others in heaven and earth.  God is righteous, as a Person, and the dynamic expression or behavior of His Being is righteousness in heaven or earth.  More information will be provided in Chapter 3, regarding the eternal attributes of God’s Persona, and the dynamic behavioral activities of God in heaven, that can be considered as heavenly resources on earth.  Right now, we want to remember, that, as the eternal Person and expressions of  Divine personality in heaven operates within and through us, our connection by default with the Divine, makes us a receptacle, and vehicle for God’s heavenly agenda, on earth. As a receptacle, we exist as containers for the heavenly agenda of Divine personality and presence in-Christ. As a vehicle, we exist to behaviorally express the heavenly agenda of Divine personality and presence through Christ.  As both, a receptacle and vehicle, our existence in-Christ, can be considered, as a heavenly resource for God, in heaven, on earth.


Heavenly resources: Type #2

The culture of the heavenly society of God, includes, celestial  beliefs, virtues, communication systems, laws for the physics of multiplication, sustenance, life, abundance, and relationships within the celestial household of God, that serve as solution-based resources for God’s household on earth. As Jesus employed the resources of heavenly powers, angelic support, celestial laws, language and lifestyle, throughout his ministry on earth, for heavenly results, we must do the same as we “take up our cross and follow him.”  Where there is Divine vision, there is also Divine provision. God’s vision for heaven’s transformation of earth into heaven, includes the availability, and accessibility, of all heavenly resources that are required for the fulfillment of Divine vision for the eternal union of earth and heaven. Where God guides, He also provides. God is guiding eternal activities, to fulfill His heavenly Will on earth, by providing the eternal resources from heaven to earth, that will accomplish His Will, according to Matthew 6:10. More information, on how heavenly culture serves as a resource, for the transformation of the terrestrial into the celestial, will be discussed in the next chapter, and future online Heavenly Living Now Forums.


Partnering with the activities of eternal and heavenly resources that are present in our world, effectively and efficiently, fulfills the meaning, message, and ministry of our Messiah, through our lives and lifestyle. In the modern vernacular of Rap Artists, it could be said, “The more heaven we use, the more Sin we lose, but it‘s up to us, to fuss or to choose, to heavenly activate or culturally snooze. Are you feeling me or what!” (Imagine swaying side to side while saying this lyric with a rhythmic beat, accompanied with background music for emotional impact). 

You have probably notice that eternal resources, like the dynamic expressions, behaviors and activities of God’s personality in our world, and heavenly resources, like angelic assistance, for the removal of chains and  jail doors for Apostle Peter, or tomb sealed stones for Jesus, are presented as separate resources because one is timeless and the other is timely in function or availability. In-Christ, we have timely and timeless resources in heaven that are available to us for fulfillment of the heavenly agenda for earth. These timely and timeless resources are powerful, effective, accessible, and authorized by God for heavenly activity on earth, “as in heaven.” Cultivating a relationship with timely and timeless resources in heaven, will help us to develop heavenly skill sets, that will effectively vehicle heavenly interest into our world with competence, and precision. Cultivating relationship with Jesus, and his Kingdom, will help us to evolve into the confident, caring, spiritual physicians, this planet needs. For example, Medical Health has the agents and equipment it needs for its profession. The same for the industry of Mental Health. Likewise, Kingdom of Heaven HealthCare, has the agents (you and me), and equipment (heavenly resources), for its constituency (the world). As competent care is a major requirement for the delivery of quality mental and medical services, the same standard remains for Kingdom services. Doctors and healthcare agents cultivate a relationship with the science and application of their professions. The same applies for us regarding the delivery of quality heavenly Kingdom services in our society. Would you want a doctor, who failed in preparation for certification, to attend to your mental or medical care? Of course not! You want the most competent and caring professional you can find to provide the best health services you need with the compassion and care; you require. Likewise, when it comes to the delivery of heavenly health on this earth, our society deserves the most confident, qualified, competent, and caring delivery of heavenly resources, that heaven can provide on earth, through each of God’s agents of heavenly health. WE, ARE THE AGENTS,  AND AGENCY OF HEAVENLY HEALTHCARE ON EARTH. We must raise our quality standards for delivery of heavenly health on this planet. We are remarkably familiar with the relevance and importance of medical and mental health in our culture. It’s time for our culture to also become familiar with the importance of heavenly culture as well. It’s time for heavenly love and peace to become a dominate expression of love and peace on earth, beginning with you and me, for as we change, so does the world.

More information on this subject is provided in the complete Heavenly Living Now book by Roland Ruffin @ Amazon


Chapter – 2



·       Why do you believe or not believe, humanity will be able to self-correct the unearthly problem of Sin within future generations?

·       Explain your mental picture of what the non-human, inhumane nature of Sin looks like to you.

·       Explain why a heavenly solution, from heaven, more than a religious solution, from earth, is required for the Sin problem of humanity.

(Be prepared to share your answers during the next Heavenly Living Now online Forum).


Chapter – 2


Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed

Many Christians are well informed of the Sin problem that occurred in the Garden of Eden. Also, many believe the ________  with Sin began on this earth. A correct understanding of the problem of Sin requires an examination of its ________in the ________. According to the bible, we know that there is a heaven of heavens where the Throne of God exist, and the various spheres of the heavens (Deut. 10:14; 1Ki 8:27). We also know that there was a time when Satan (Lucifer) had access to the Throne room in heaven (Job 1:6, Ezek. 28:14,15). No one knows whether Sin was ________ in a region of the heaven of ________ or one of the various celestial spheres of the heavens, but we do know that Sin originated within Satan in a ________ region, and not on the ________. It is also important to know that Satan was not a human being, neither any of the angels that joined his rebellion against the heaven of heavens. Therefore, the nature of the Sin, that Satan introduced to Adam and Eve, was __- ________ and ________in its origin and ________. Sin is not human, never was human, and never will be human. The ultimate result of the control of Sin over a person’s life, is a ___ – ____ ________ human existence.

The nature of Sin is the reason why humanity has an earthly, ________ problem that originated from a ________, heavenly region beyond the earth. The unearthly problem of Sin requires an unearthly solution.


A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin










In heaven, resided the Divine Solution for the Sin problem of humanity on earth. In other words, there was no solution without heaven, and without heaven there was no Sin solution on earth. Therefore, Jesus did not come to earth to provide earthy cultural solutions to our world. Jesus came from heaven to earth, to include cultural solutions from heaven, for celestial restoration, of our terrestrial societies (John 8:23). It amazes me how our present society considers heaven as a place, that is somewhere way out there, or somewhere up there, as a destination after death. Jesus came to present heaven as a place that is here, right now, and as a destination to be experienced, before, as well as after, death. A model for the importance and relevance of heaven is provided in the following Logic Model below:


                                                       HEAVENLY LOGIC MODEL-1

·       Divine Salvation = what originates from heaven as the heavenly solution on earth, for earth, and eventually AS earth.


Remember this Logic Model, as it will be discussed during a future online Heavenly Living Now (HLN) Forum.


Implementation of heavenly solution into earth

The process of bringing heaven into the earth, for the earth, and eventually AS the earth, includes the following methods:



Heavenly Infiltration:

On occasions, Jesus would refer to heaven as a “seed that when planted, would bloom and bring forth heavenly fruit (Matt. 13:31).  The process of Infiltration, or moving heaven from up-there somewhere, into the hearts of people down here, as if it were a small seed, included the release of heaven into our earth through declaration, i.e., preaching, teaching, proclamation, worship, praise, prophetic utterances for example. The results of people hearing, and receiving heavenly declarations within their heart, is the experience of a heavenly conversion (born-again, regeneration). The heavenly seed, now resides within the heart of the recipient of its seed, for the purpose of blooming the heavenly solution on earth.

Heavenly declarations, that initiate the process of heavenly infiltration, is just the beginning. The continuous releasing of heavenly realities into our earth through declaration, is a vital necessity for an effective, heavenly ministry, on earth. As Jesus continually released heavenly declarations on earth for heavenly results, we must do the same in our ministries, i.e., declaring heavenly life over death, heavenly good over evil, heavenly blessings over generational curses, heavenly truth over the lies of enemies, or even deception through our own negative self-confessions, etc.


Heavenly Occupation:

Heavenly Infiltration usually always leads to heavenly occupation, because of declaration (that invites the permanent indwelling of Spirit from heaven within us (John 14:17)). Yes, the Holy Spirit from heaven, dwells in us (when invited), to manifest His heavenly presence within us, so that a sample of heaven is always with us. Heaven on earth, as already occurred through the presence of the Spirit of heaven, in Christ, within you. The heavenly presence of the Spirit of Christ within you includes the atmosphere, presence, power, persona, nature, virtue, celestial and eternal realities of the heaven of heavens. Now the heavenly society that was announced by Jesus, has moved from outside of the earth, to within your heart, as its new residence. In-Christ, you are never alone because a sample of heavenly society is within the Spirit within you, no matter where you are. 

The key, to living a heavenly life on earth, is awareness of how much of heaven can be actualized, in your life during your earthly lifetime. How much of heaven within us, can we live daily, as a lifestyle? How much of the powers, presence, prestige, personality, values, victories, laws for life and manifestations in heaven, are we authorized by God, to experience or express on this earth?  Many of these questions will be answered in subsequent chapters, and online Forum discussions.


Before we conclude this chapter, I would like to point out that heavenly infiltration and occupation, precedes the access ,and application, of heavenly resources. A sample of heaven must be within you, before you can vehicle God’s heavenly agenda into this earth through your life, and lifestyle. You must be born-again in-Christ,  in order to mirror or vehicle the life of Christ to others. Heavenly transformation, must begin within you first, before it is extended to others. After the heavenly life of Christ has entered your heart through conversion by his Spirit from heaven, then we can begin accessing heavenly resources for heavenly purposes in our world. Knowing Christ, personally, before attempting to represent Christ to the world, or reveal and replicate Christ in our society, is most important to the heavenly agenda. God works from the inside-out, from the internal to the external, from the hidden to the revealed. God changes your internal world, before changing your external circumstances for His glory. For your existence to be in-Christ, the existence of the Spirit of Christ must also be within you. For example, heavenly infiltration, includes a spiritual assimilation, between the human spirit, and the Spirit from heaven, where the  Divine Spirit & human spirit, become one Spirit/spirit, according to Oneness relationships, in heaven (1 Cor. 6:17; John 10:30).  The nature of the Holy Spirit is infused into our human spirit to such a degree, that the Spirit from heaven, could testify to the mirrored identity of His heavenly nature, as the same nature of our human spirit (Rom. 8:16). Our born-again human spirit becomes a mirror of the Holy Spirit from heaven because, heavenly nature, becomes the nature of our spirit on earth, as in heaven. For example, the fruit of the (heavenly) Spirit, becomes the nature of our born-again human spirit, rather than just a possession. We progress from having the fruit of the Spirit, to becoming the fruit of the Spirit/spirit. Our identity changes from “I have Love,” to I am Love, because the heavenly fruit of love, is not a possession someone can take away, but a state of your spiritual being that no thief can steal. We do not just have love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, and meekness, but through spiritual assimilation, we now exist as heavenly love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, and meekness on earth (1 Cor. 6:17; Gal. 5:22). Want to see heaven? Look within, rather than with-out. Want to find love? Look within your Spirit/spirit relationship, rather than all the wrong places. Divine Nature is now your everlasting nature through your in-Christ relationship, in both this world, and the future new heaven and earth to come. In-Christ, you spiritually exist, as the future-Now!

In conclusion, personal application of the heavenly solution on earth, includes receiving (receptively hearing the Word of the Kingdom), followed by declaring, the release of the heavenly kingdom into this world, infiltrating, by allowing the presence of heaven to occupy your life internally, and partnering with eternal and heavenly activity on earth, so that the heavenly agenda within you, becomes the same agenda, that changes the world through your life, and lifestyle.



A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin



Chapter 3



·       Write down, how the process of Declaration, to Infiltration, to Occupation, occurred in your life. Be prepared to explain this process within three sentences or less during the next online Forum.

·       Explain the reality of moving from, having the fruit of the Spirit, to existing the fruit of the Spirit, in-Christ.

·       What is the ultimate agenda, for heavenly occupation, within your heart and lifestyle, on earth?


Chapter 3


Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed

In heaven, ________the Divine Solution for the Sin problem of humanity on earth. In other words, there was no solution without heaven, and without heaven there was no Sin solution on earth. Therefore, Jesus did not come to earth to provide earthy cultural solutions to our world. Jesus came from heaven to earth to provide cultural solutions________ heaven to our ________ societies (John 8:23). It amazes me how our present society considers heaven as a place, that is somewhere way out there, or somewhere up there, as a destination after death. Jesus came to present heaven as a place that is here, right now, and as a destination to be experienced, ________ death. A model for the importance and relevance of heaven is provided in the following Logic Model below:


·       Divine Salvation = what ________ from heaven as the heavenly solution on earth, for earth, and eventually ________ earth.

The key, to living a heavenly life on earth, is ________of how much of heaven can be ________, in your life during your earthly lifetime. How much of heaven within us, can we live daily, as a lifestyle?


A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Now book by Roland Ruffin









Heavenly companionship on earth, transforms us into a heavenly solution in our world. Remember, God’s solution for earth’s problems, originated in the Kingdom of heaven. Companionship and intimate relationship with the Spirit from heaven turns association into assimilation. In other words, the degree we allow the Spirit from heaven to govern our nature with heavenly nature, is also the same degree we exist as God’s heavenly solution on this earth. We are born-again, of the Spirit from heaven, AS a Divine solution on earth, and our behavior, in-Christ, exist as a heavenly expression of God’s heavenly solution. Heavenly transformation, occurs as our natural fallen earthly nature, is transformed into a heavenly nature, by the Spirit from heaven. We never receive a heavenly nature for just selfish reasons, as heavenly nature, comes to earth, with its own heavenly agenda for earth, that includes the transformation of our world, into heaven, through you, and me. We are transformed by the Spirit in/from heaven, to vehicle heavenly transformation around us, and through us, as God’s solution for us. Logic Model-2, encapsulates the theme of heavenly transformation in this chapter:



·       The dominance of Divine Nature transforms ephemeral (temporary) nature, into Divine Nature, for, within and through, people of God’s nature. Example, your salvation experience.


Remember Logic Model #2, as it will be discussed during a future Heavenly Earth Forum.

God’s Nature is a dominate nature. God is the boss over His households in heaven or earth, with no questions asked. God’s Nature, commands, controls, overcomes, conquers, and always wins, simply because dominion originated within the nature of God. For example, when you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, the dominating nature of God began to set-up heavenly headquarters within your heart without the permission of the devil, your friend or enemy. Because the nature of the Holy Spirit from heaven is also the Divine Nature of God, the relationship between the Holy Spirit and your human spirit, will progressively become dominated by the dominating Will of God in heaven, for heavenly purposes on earth. The heavenly nature of God, is determined to dominate within your heart and life, as well as dominate the earth, through your heavenly lifestyle. One of the methods, that heaven intends to use in the process of transformation that evolves to heavenly domination on earth, is the two-fold process, of the InternalExternalized.

The Internal-Externalized, simply means that the heavenly presence within your heart, eventually becomes the same presence, surrounding your life. What is within you, will eventually find a means of expression through you, to the environment surrounding you. Your internal experience eventually becomes your external expression to the world. Internal World-change = external World-change, because as you change, the world changes. The transforming sample of heaven, placed within your heart, by the Spirit from heaven, is the same sample that transforms the world around you because of the dominating, take-over nature of the Spirit of God, and His heavenly society within you. Remember the Scripture said, “Greater is He within you, than he that is in the World” (1 John 4:4). The operative term is “greater,” because the greater overcomes the lesser on earth or in heaven. The greater of heavenly nature within you is actively impacting, changing, overcoming, transforming, whatever is less, of heavenly nature on earth, through your presence. Internal-externalization occurs through your life and lifestyle daily, in-Christ. The devil hates you because he works hard for demonic change on earth, only to be trumped, and defeated by your very presence, because you exist as a heavenly solution, that transforms the earth into heaven. Your very presence, in-Christ, is a heavenly force, and dominating threat to every demon.





Now, let us look at examples of eternal resources in heaven. As aforementioned, the term, “eternal” refers to the existence of something, or someone, before the creation of time. Therefore, whatever is eternal is not limited to the limitations of time, within time, or even the end of time, because eternity exist before, thru, and beyond time. An example of an eternal reality, is the Person of God. God is eternal, because He existed, before He created time or creations within the framework of time. God is eternal, because His existence, is not dependent upon time, and He will continue to exist, after the end of time for humanity on this earth. God will exist forever, because forever, He has, is, and will-be, God (Exo 3:14; Rev. 22:13).


Eternal Persona in-Christ, within you and me:

God is Love, God is Good, God is Holy. These are but a few of the attributes of the eternal nature of God. Relationship with the Divine Love, Goodness and Holiness of God through Christ, is also relationship with the eternality of God’s Love, Goodness and Holiness in heaven on earth. As the nature of Divine Love progressively becomes our nature in-Christ, we walk, talk, and express our being, as the eternal Love of God on earth through daily decisions to surrender to the Spirit from heaven within us.  Remember, Divine Love, existed before the creation of heaven or earth, and will exist beyond any creation within the fabric of time. Divine Love is eternal before time, eternal within us in time, and as our association becomes assimilation, eternal Love eventually, expresses its eternal nature AS us. We become the company we keep. Relationship with the Person of God, i.e., Divine Love, Goodness, Holiness, etc., progressively transforms us into the eternal personality of God. God transforms us into His nature. We never change God into our human nature, no matter how much we may desire to do so in Western religious idealism. Relationship with God’s Nature, through Christ, is the greatest resource we could ever have in heaven or earth, because Divine Nature, will continue to exist long after the present heavenlies and earth have expired.




companionship with THE activity of Divine Persona

This good news even gets better, because Divine Nature is not only a resource to us, for our ultimate evolution in-Christ, but Divine Nature is also dynamically, and actively operating in our earth, according to God’s Will in heaven. For example, God is Love, but His Love, is also a dynamic, as it is actively loving people in both heaven, and earth. Also, God’s Peace, is Who He is, but Divine Peace, is also a dynamic, as it is actively expressing, and replicating peace, on earth, through people of God’s Nature. As we companion, and participate, with the activity of Divine love, peace, holiness, joy, righteousness, etc., we enjoin, partner, and co-labor with eternal activities, that exist before heaven, within heaven, and now on earth, through Christ. Partnership with the eternal, transformative nature, and power of Divine activity, will not only personally transform you and me, but also the world, through us.

So, we are blessed with opportunities, for eternal transformation, through the presence, of the eternal life of Divine Nature, in-Christ. And we are blessed again, with opportunities, to participate with the redemptive, eternal, and dynamic activities, that are actively transforming earth, into an everlasting heavenly society. In-Christ, we are blessed, twice-over. Our relationship with God, through Christ, makes us both a heavenly solution, and an eternal solution. Either way, we now exist, as a SOLUTION. Never see yourself as a problem, ever again.


A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin



Chapter 4



·       Write down how the process of Declaration, Infiltration, and Occupation, has occurred in your life and lifetime. Prepare to explain, what you have written, during the next online forum

·       How, is the LOGIC MODEL, important in your life?

·       Why are you, spiritually, the Future-Now?

·       Why, are we blessed, twice-over in-Christ?


Chapter 4

Fill – in Fun

Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed

Heavenly __________ on earth, __________us into a heavenly __________in our world. Remember, God’s solution for earth’s problems, __________ in heaven. Companionship and intimate relationship with the Spirit from heaven turns association into __________. In other words, the degree we allow the Spirit from heaven to __________ our nature with heavenly nature, is also the same degree we exist as God’s heavenly solution on this earth. We are _____ – __________ of the Spirit from heaven AS a Divine solution on earth, and our __________, in-Christ, exist as a heavenly __________ of God’s heavenly solution. Heavenly transformation occurs as our natural fallen earthly nature is  into a heavenly nature by the Spirit from heaven. We never receive a heavenly nature for just selfish reasons, as heavenly nature comes to earth with a heavenly agenda, for earth, that includes the transformation of our world into heaven, through you, and me. We are transformed by the Spirit of heaven, to vehicle heavenly transformation around us, and through us, as God’s solution for us. Logic Model-2, encapsulates the theme of heavenly transformation in this chapter:


·       The __________of Divine Nature transforms ephemeral (temporary) nature, into Divine __________, for, within and through, people of God’s nature. Example, your salvation experience.


A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Now book by Roland Ruffin




Chapter 5



Divine Nature, within the Collective, equals the Future-Now!


Time to reveal a secret about heaven. There is only one nature in the heavenly household, and that nature, is the Divine Nature of God-alone. Another secret is   that God’s Divine Nature never changes, regardless of changes in seasons or time. The last secret to share, is that the Divine Nature of God in heaven, is also the same nature, as the Spirit of Christ, within you, and me. This means that the Divine Nature, that fills the atmosphere, and every being in the new heaven and earth to come, is already present within you and me, since Divine Nature, never changes. Do you know what this means? The Nature of the future society, is already present within you now! That means YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY THE FUTURE – NOW!  We do not have to imitate our culture because we are the future. We do not have to panic for fear of tomorrow, because we exist the tomorrow, of today. We do not have to define ourselves based upon the gods of our culture, i.e., money, sex, pride, classism, genderism, racism, and religions that kill rather than heal, because we, are the future. You, are the future. I, am the future. We ,are the future, and as the future, we are the pattern for success. We are the examples for industrious creativity, we are the mentors for healthy relationships, we are the heavenly pattern for redemptive relationships beyond genderism, racism, and all demeaning cultural isms, and ology.  As a child, we use to say “they (adults) need to change the world,” but in-Christ, we are the “they” that are the world-changers because we are the FUTURE-NOW!  Agree or disagree, it does not really matter because, in-Christ, the future has already happened in our Now. Join-in, or move-over, because the progressive process of earth’s transformation by heaven, through individuals, and multitudes, will not end, until God’s heavenly-earth evolves, and the Will of God is completely fulfilled, “on earth as in heaven. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and Glory, forever. A-men.”  Hallelujah!

The global presence of the Holy Spirit, is bringing about the universal presence of heaven on earth, as fulfillment of the meaning, message, and ministry of Jesus Christ, who ministered, in, by, and through, the Spirit of heaven. As global association with Christ, continues to result in the assimilation of Christ-like   personality, rather than agents of a plantation gospel, under the guise of Christian titles, our planet will become healthier, our societies more peaceful, our governments more sensitive to human need above greed, and the experience of eternal life over death, will be the norm, as a result, of a living-relationship with God, in heaven.

The presence of the Spirit of heaven, guarantees the transformation of earth into heaven, by migrating heaven, into the earth, through the meaning, message, and ministry of Jesus Christ, and through your authentic in-Christ relationship.

We mentioned, in an earlier chapter, that God provided earth with two celestial resources. One, is a heavenly resource, that originates in heaven. The other, are eternal resources, that exist before the creation of time for heaven or earth.

As we look once again at the heavenly resources employed by Christ on earth. The culture, society and even angelic inhabitants of heaven, served as a resource, for the source, and supply, that Jesus employed from heaven to earth during his ministry in our world, including the power to cast out demons through the Spirit from heaven, power to manifest heavenly wholeness on earth as miraculous healings, heavenly authority to raise the dead, heavenly words, language and, angelic comfort and support after temptation (Matt. 4:11), commandments from heaven released on earth (John 12:50; 14:20), heavenly understanding of the Scriptures, heavenly anointing (within us) for empowerment of internal character, heavenly anointing (upon us) for supernatural works and miraculous manifestations, and heavenly authority to transform sons of Adam into heavenly sons of God (John 1:12).

As more people employ the resources of heaven for heavenly results on our earth, the ultimate results will be the creation of a heavenly earth. Revelations 11:15 references a time in human history when God in heaven will rule the earth through His Messiah, who is Jesus the Christ. Under this messianic rule, the heavenly earth will be the society that Christ will establish, and govern, until its final transformation, into a new heaven and earth at the end of time.  Fulfillment, of the creation process for the new heavenly earth, is already occurring through the Spirit from heaven, within you and me. Since God’s scriptures cannot be broken, it is just a matter of time before the heavenly society with us, also becomes the only society, surrounding us. You, and I, exist as God’s witnesses, that heaven will eventually transform the earth, because, it has, and will, continue to transform each of us. As heaven is transforming us, in fulfillment of the Scriptures, it is also transforming our future, in fulfilment of writings in heaven, that are revealed on earth, through Christ.


More information on this subject is provided in the complete Heavenly Living Now book by Roland Ruffin @ Amazon


Chapter 5


·       Please explain on a sheet of paper, the difference between eternal and heavenly resources, that are available to earth through Christ. Be prepared to explain your answer during the next online Forum.

·       Explain how individual, Declaration, Infiltration, and Occupation, can evolve to global transformation, in the lives of others.

·       After reading this chapter, what do you think global transformation, through the Divine Nature of God in heaven, dominating all cultures of the earth, can really look like?

·       How is your companionship, relationship, and participation with the eternal activity of God on earth, contributing towards the transformation of earth into heaven?


Chapter 5


Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed

Time to reveal a _________ about heaven. There is only _________ nature in the heavenly household, and that nature, is the Divine Nature of _________ Another secret is   that God’s Divine Nature _________ changes, regardless of changes in seasons or time. The last secret to share, is that the Divine Nature of God in heaven, is also the _________nature, as the Spirit of Christ _________you and me. This means that the Divine Nature, that fills the atmosphere, and every being in the new heaven and earth to come, is already_________ within you and me, since Divine Nature, never changes. Do you know what this means? The spiritual Nature of the _________ society is already present within you now! That means YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY THE_________ – NOW!  We do not have to _________ our culture because we are the future. We do not have to panic for fear of tomorrow because we  exist the tomorrow of today.

A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly  Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin









Let us connect the dots between heaven and earth, by examining some of the benefits, of the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven in our world, for, within, and through, you and me.

First, our earth needs hope, help, and healing. In heaven, is God’s solution for hope, help, and healing. Therefore, heavenly presence within you, through  partnership and companionship with the Spirit of Christ from heaven, makes you a vital part of heaven’s solution on earth. Let us reinstate the previous sentence in a more unforgettable way, YOU ARE GOD’S HEAVENLY SOLUTION ON EARTH, BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT FROM HEAVEN, WITHIN YOU! Culturally, you are always a problem, or a part of a problem. From a heavenly point of view, you exist on earth, as a heavenly solution in-Christ, both now, and forevermore. In-Christ, you, are never a problem in heaven, regardless of negative earthly criticisms about you, because, in-Christ, you are always, a heavenly solution. Yes, you may have some rough edges that need refinement, but remember, God is big enough to see the everlasting picture, and meaning, of your journey through this life, and believe me, you will end your life-journey as a Divine solution, because you began as a solution, when you received Divine Nature as your own, through Christ.  So, an immediate benefit of the presence of heaven on earth for you, is the fact, that you can give yourself permission to exist as a heavenly solution in this society, or any society, because, of your in-Christ relationship. Secondly, another personal benefit of the presence of heaven on earth, is the fact, that heaven is for you, regardless of who, or what, may be against you on earth. Heaven has your back! God has your best interest in mind as your Divine Companion. Though feelings of unworthiness, may be welling-up in your mind while reading this paragraph due to negative cultural and religious conditioning, get over it, please. Get use to knowing you are priceless, and valuable to God, and the heavenly household, 24/7, regardless, of your less-than perfect mistakes. Heavenly nature, within the Spirit from heaven within you, is a major truth. Your mistakes, in comparison, to your everlasting journey with the Spirit from heaven through this world, into the next world, is relatively minor. Let us continue to major on the major (daily personal celebration for the presence of the Spirit of heaven within your in-Christ relationship) and minor on the minor (personal goofiness). You will go extremely far in your relationship with heaven, if you major on the major, and less, on the minor. Trust me, you will have more than enough opportunities, for people to try to tear you down with criticism and minor issues, and you do not need to join them. In addition, to your existence as a heavenly solution, and a recipient of heavenly resourceful support, for personal success, you are also an ambassador and agent of healing on our planet, as you allow the work of the Spirit from heaven, to bring heavenly healing into our world, through yourself, and others like you. People want to know how they can help change the world. Allowing the Spirit of heaven to change, and transform our earth through your life, and lifestyle, is the most truthful answer I can provide for you. The world is already a better place, because the transformative presence of heaven within you, is your guarantee, that heavenly transformation within you, is already touching the world beyond you. Your presence in this world is critical, valuable, and affecting the global transition from sickness to health in heavenly ways, because of Christ, within you. Should companionship, with the Spirit of Christ from heaven, never include millions of dollars, know that your in-Christ contributions to healing, and health over disease,  everlasting values, and relationships that advance eternal life over death, is worth more, in the heavenly society, than any amount of money on earth. Remember, heaven is your future, while our present earth, is quickly becoming your past. Invest your energy into your heavenly future for heavenly rewards, today, tomorrow, and forevermore. Heaven is contributing more to you, than you could ever give back to it. Let us continue to allow our lives, and lifestyle, to express our gratitude, for the gift of relationship, and companionship, with the Spirit of Christ from heaven, to earth.

Our premise, for our online Forums, was heavenly solutions, as God’s solution, for the Sin problems on earth. At the close of this workbook, we are happy to confirm with you, that the heavenly presence of Jesus Christ, within you, is now the active solution of God, on earth, and for earth, through you. Heavenly culture within you, is, and forever will be, the solution for the fallen nature of earthly cultures. It will take the culture of heaven, empowered by the Spirit in heaven, to affect heavenly peace, as the remedy, for our perpetual wars, and rumors of wars.  As you walk, and talk, and exist, around others, heavenly solutions within you, are happening for you, around, and through you.

Hopefully, you have been empowered, to advance the interest of heaven within our world, through your relationship with Christ, and your commitment, to the heavenly transformation of the earth, through the meaning, message, and ministry of Jesus, our Messiah.

We believe success will occur, as you decide to become a conscious participant, in heaven’s agenda, for earth’s transformation into heaven. We are confident, our earth will become better and better, as you evolve, in manifesting heaven on earth, through Christ.

The complete Heavenly Living Now book @, is required reading, for understanding our companionship with the eternality of Christ, from a heavenly perspective. Now, that you have completed the Heavenly Living Now Course, by reading the Heavenly Living Now book, and participating in each of the six Heavenly Living Now Online Discussion Forums with the HLN Forum manual,  prepare to go a little higher, and deeper, into the eternal purposes of God, regarding your life-purpose, ministry, and personal lifestyle, as we learn eternal truths about ourselves, through the Eternal Living Now book and Workbook Course. You can get your copy of the Eternal Living Now book and Workbook combination set, online, at the Barnes & Nobles, or Amazon, websites.

Be sure to put on your spiritual seatbelt as you read the Eternal Living Now book & Workbook, because the cadence will be fast, captivating, and life changing. Also, be sure to contact us at, for information on Eternal Living Now weekly onsite or online forums.


Chapter 6


·       Briefly summarize how each chapter informed you of the importance of heaven on earth.

·       Determine how the Workbook and Forums, have contributed to your decision to live a heavenly, rather than religious, lifestyle on earth.

·       How will you read your Bible differently, after reading the Heavenly Living Now book, and experiencing Heavenly Living Now Discussion Forums, with the aid of your Forum work manual?

·       Can you share the difference between eternal, and heavenly solutions, with another person, with confidence and clarity? Yes or no? Justify your answer to yourself.

·       Are you ready to go higher and deeper into the eternality of Christianity, through participation in the next course called, Eternal Living Now? If yes, get the book and workbook, and begin reading now, in preparation for future Eternal Living Now Online Forums.




Fill-in the blanks from memory of the Chapter you just completed




Let us connect the dots between _________ and _________, by examining some of the _________, of the _________of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, for, _________, and through, you and me.

First, our earth needs hope, help, and healing. In _________, is God’s solution for hope, help, and healing. Therefore, heavenly presence _________ you, through  partnership and _________ with the Spirit of Christ from heaven, makes you a _________ part of heaven’s solution on earth. Let us reinstate the previous sentence in a more unforgettable way, YOU ARE GOD’S _________ SOLUTION ON EARTH, BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT FROM HEAVEN, ________YOU! _________, you are always a problem, or a part of a problem. From a heavenly point of view, you exist on earth, as a heavenly solution in-Christ, both now, and _________. In-Christ, you, are never a problem in heaven, regardless of


A complete FUN FILL-IN exercise is provided in the Complete Heavenly Earth Now book by Roland Ruffin



May the Lord bless you to replicate heaven on earth as His solution for earth. May the Lord bless you to release words, language, powers, life, peace, joy, health, and personality from heaven, into our world, through your messages, and ministry for Christ. May the Lord bless you to always see yourself as a heavenly solution, and never as a cultural problem again. May the Divine Nature in heaven, completely transform your life into a heavenly expression that globally transforms, through you. And Lord, finally, may our best-self, simply be your Divine Self, fully expressed as our only-self, so that the world can see the face of Jesus, more than the denominational faces of our man-made religions. May the peace of heaven beyond the earth, become the final peace of God within the earth, forever and ever. A-men.


