Workbook reading options include downloading, or  simply reading the Workbook on this online platform.

The Introduction to ELN Workbook serves as a companion to the Training Video on this page. Please purchase the Introduction to Eternal LIving Now textbook for for a comprehensive understanding of Christian Eternality in this Course by pressing the PURCHASE Link.








INDEX – with Fill-in Answer Keys







The Divine agenda of our eternal God was to create temporary (Ephemeral) realities that would eventually evolve into eternal reality. In short, the temporary-evolving into the eternal through the existence of time, was, is and will be the agenda for human existence with our eternal God. The process for the evolution of the ephemeral into the eternal mandates the presence of the eternal in the midst of ephemeral reality in our universe. The eternal presence of God, and the eternal activity of God in our world (eternality), is substantiated by Quantum Physics. Modern science affirms the essence of all material forms of matter as energy that never dies (never ceases to exist) at atomic and sub-atomic levels. Science affirms that the existence of all expressions of matter that decays, is contingent upon the pre-existence of sub-atomic particles that never cease to exist, but only transform into different forms of energy in preputium.  Finally, Chapter One denotes the difference between the Eternal and Eternality as Divine Nature as the essence of the Eternal, and activity/expression/behavior of Divine Nature as Eternality. In short, who God is, within Himself, within/thru others or within/thru our universe is Eternal. What God does as active Divine expression within/thru others or within/thru our universe is Eternality.


Chapter One introduces the eternal presence/person of our eternal God in heaven or earth, as well as eternality-as the eternal activity of our eternal God in heaven or earth. It is noted that the eternal presence and activity of God in heaven or earth is qualitatively the same, though spiritual dimensional and quantitative expressions of eternality of the eternal in heaven, far exceeds human perceptions on earth. For example, Divine Love is understood by immortal beings in heaven in more spiritual dimensions and perceptions that mortal beings on earth.



The presence of both the Eternal and Eternality, that resides in-Christ, is within the Divine Nature of Christ that resides within you and me. This means, the eternal attributes of the Spirit of God in-Christ, becomes an integration of our spiritual nature in-Christ as well. Example, the Divine Peace of God is not just a possession of Believers, but also a state of our “being” in Oneness with the Nature of God in-Christ. We do not only possess the Love, Joy, Peace of God ( Gal 5:22), but because we experience Oneness between the Spirit of God and our human spirit in-Christ (1 Cor 6:17), the Divine Nature in the Spirit of Christ is now integrated into the nature of spiritual soul in-Christ. Divine Nature within us and AS us, will never cease to exist, and neither shall we in-Christ. Our identity in-Christ is Eternal. Knowing our Eternal ID is equally/if not more important than awareness of our natural identity.



As aforementioned, before God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, a relationship between God and Adam/mankind already existed within the heart and mind of the Divine.  Identity for mankind did not begin in the Garden, but within the heart and mind of God. In fact, the identity of Adam/mankind within the heart of God, became the blueprint and criterion for mankind’s identity in this material universe. Adam/mankind/you and me, were known internally, in the heart and mind of God first, before we experienced knowledge of ourselves in our material universe. Knowing, as we are known by God in the heavenlies, is our greatest achievement in this journey of self-discovery in life.

Through the eternality of God, we exist, “live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Eternality sustains, evolves, and will eventually complete us in the relationship we had within God before the creation of the earth. Eternity is not an occurrence after death. The eternal is within the fabric of existence as its sustainer and redeemer. The eternal exist in your present now. Awareness and alignment with the eternality of the Divine within our present now, was the underlying theme for the meaning, message, and ministry of Christ. Partnership, participation, and companionship, with the activity of the eternality of God in our world is one of the greatest achievements of our journey through this life. Ultimate meaning for our lives is found in the eternality of God. Remember, eternality for you and me is about our eternal God, originating humanity for an everlasting relationship with Himself in this world, and the new world to come. The eternality of God is everything, and everything is ultimately about the eternality of God. Selah!



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The similarities between the spiritual nature and physics of spiritual form between God and Adam (humans) are introduced in this chapter. As God in heaven is Spirit, so is Adam as spirit on earth. As God in heaven is Spirit within a physical form that can be seen by others around the Throne room, so is Adam a spirit-being within a material form (earthsuit) that can be seen by others (beings in heaven or earth). As God in heaven is Spirit with form endowed with a ruling/reigning Nature, so is Adam


Chapter Two informs of types of desire(s) within the Divine Nature of God in heaven. The Logic-model for understanding Divine desire(s) in heaven is based upon the fact that the desires of the Divine is equal to the Nature of the Divine. In short, God desires what is within His own nature, both in/thru our universe. Example, God desires holiness because His Nature is Holy. God desires His own Divine Nature within us as well. As we grow spiritually in allowing Divine desires to become the desires of our spiritual soul, desires of Divine Nature consciously becomes our eternal desires in our present Now.



  As God is what He behaves, the same standard remains for the activity of Divine Nature within each of us in-Christ. God never requires us to behave beyond or opposite our being in-Christ.  Within God’s household in heaven or earth, being, as a replication of Divine Image, will  always precede  behavior of Divine Likeness through us. Be-have means to have being as expression. You can only behave what you really are. In-Christ, we exist as the Divine Nature of the Spirit of Christ, therefore we can behave godly Nature, because we are OF godly Nature. Of course, behaving godly Nature is always a daily choice. We can choose to be who we really are in-Christ, or we can choose to be who we are not. The choice is always ours, and ours alone. As association evolves to assimilation in most relationships, God simply wants His children to be and behave like their Divine parent.

God revealed the Likeness of His Image, as behavior that is consistent with His identity as Divine Being in heaven. In other words, the Being and Behavior of the Divine are  in perfect union of essence and expression.  God (Image) is good (Likeness) all of the time, because all of the time God is good. The Behavior of God is always expressed in exact precision with His Being. God provides His children opportunities to be and behave like our Divine parent as we are challenged to “ be holy, as God is holy” (Lev 11:45). The challenge to be holy is not given to tempt us with failure, but to promote the practice of success through godly behavior as the expression of our being, in-Christ.


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Chapter Three introduces Living Souls as spiritual souls in union with the living-life of Christ through a born-again transformation. As the eternally living-life of Christ becomes one with the existence of our spiritual soul, we are transformed into Living Spiritual Souls.  Existing souls are spiritual entities who exist outside of union with the living-life of Christ. Examples, demons, fallen angels, Satan, the wicked, the reprobated, the unsaved.

Chapter Three also introduces the fact that spiritual beings (including you and me), have no choice regarding the perpetual existence of spiritual being. In other words, we cannot cease to exist as a spiritual being just because it suits our fancy. The presence of our existence within a reality is solely based upon Divine choice. The origination of the existence of our spirit-being is from God and He has decided our spirit-being will exist forever, either in fellowship with Him (new heavenly earth) or in a non-intimate existence (hell/lake of fire). We simply will exist, regardless of whether we desire to or not. Our only choice is regarding the eternal quality of our spiritual existence. Eternal spiritiual existence in-Christ or not in-Christ, is our choice-alone.

 Chapter Three also introduces us to the practice of discovering ourselves through a Heavenly Lens.  Apostle Paul reminded us that we already have a heavenly tent (body), that is not fabricated by the hands of man, that awaits upon the death of our present tent (earthsuit). In short, heaven is already aware of the existing form we will have in the Heavenly Household. Our goal on earth is to become aware and live according to the existing form we already are in the Heavenly Household, while stationed on earth. Learning to see our Scriptures through a Heavenly Lens will help to achieve this heavenly goal on earth.


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In addition to providing more narrative on the desires within Divine Nature within God and you/me in-Christ, Chapter Four also explores the eternal appearance of our eternal Nature in-Christ. How we eternally appear to the Throne room, the Heavenly Household, to Christ, both now and future, all evolve in/thru the Divine Nature of God within us and AS us. Our appearance as Divine Love, Peace, Righteousness, etc., is examined in this chapter. Emphasis on the fact that in-Christ, we shall forever look like the Divine Nature of God in the new heavenly-earthy to come, is also provided in this chapter.

Chapter Four also presents the differences between the natures and desires of our spiritual soul and earthsuit. In-Christ, the appetite of our spiritual soul desires the eternality of God, whereas the appetite of our earthsuit desires perishable earthen realities. Spirit desires spirit (celestial) and earthsuit desires earthiness ( terrestrial). The former desires the eternal, and the latter desires the ephemeral. These two desires cannot reign over our lives simultaneously. We must choose investment of our time and attention in the governing desires of our spiritual soul above earthsuit desires, or choose the governing desires of our earthsuit over our spiritual soul. The benefits of living according to the governing of the Spirit of God are identified in this chapter. The outcome of being governed by the Spirit of Christ within our spiritual soul is heavenly success, whereas the outcome of being governed by our earthsuit is perishable accomplishments. Choice is existentially our responsibility.

Chapter Four also emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth through AWARENESS. As natural growth occurs through awareness and wisdom through our five senses, likewise spiritual growth occurs through awareness of the eternal/eternality of God in/through/around us, within our universe. AWARENESS is the key to growth for spiritual beings in heaven or earth, both now and forever.

Chapter Four introduces the importance of exercising prioritizations that are practiced in heaven, on earth. Priorities, relative to the Divine Will of God in heaven, were introduced to earth  1st century A.D. through the message and ministry of Christ. Acquiescence to the heavenly Divine Will of God in heaven must supersede all human desires on earth in order to advance God’s heavenly interest on earth.


God’s Nature in your spiritual soul has transformed you into His Nature of love, peace, joy, gentleness, meekness, patience, and kindness. Think about this the next time you ask God for more love or joy. Realize that within the eternality of your spiritual soul is the love and joy you are seeking. As you allow God to peel off layers of your earth-suit, so you can realize the eternality of Christ within, your prayer vocabulary will change from solicitation to celebration and gratitude. In many ways, you are the answers you have prayed for. You just did not know it. Allow the knowledge within your spiritual soul to be the renewal of your self- consciousness (John 8:32).

You already know that the Nature of God’s Spirit becomes One with the Nature of your spiritual soul when born-again (1 Corinthians 6:17), and that the Holy Spirit can actually see the reflection of Himself in your spiritual soul (Rom 8:16). Since the eternality of the Holy Spirit and your spiritual soul are now as One, (1 Corinthians 6:17), you no longer just possess the fruit of Galatians 5:22; you now  exist as Divine fruit, and the appearance of your spiritual soul, is identical to the fruit of the Spirit. You now know that you exist as the eternal wealth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in Galatians 5:22. What you are eternally, is what you look like eternally, and what you look like, is what you are. Beginning to see the true and everlasting appearance of your spiritual soul now?

To look at you, in-Christ,  is to behold the highest Image and Likeness of God on earth. What a bold and unforgettable truth to share with others. People who know who they are possess a confidence that others searching for identity simply do not have. What a privilege it is to walk on this earth as the Image and Likeness of your Creator. Only prosperity, abundance, wholeness, health and unlimited potential exist in the Image and Likeness of God within your eternal Nature. The wealth of your Image and Likeness is beyond the value of any created thing. Poverty or lack may exist around you, but simply cannot exist within the eternality of Christ within you because poverty is a creation-concept, and your spiritual soul originated  from the uncreated bosom of God.  If God’s Image and Likeness exist as the answer in heaven, then His Image and Likeness within your eternal Nature, makes you His answer on earth. You are an answer on this earth, not a question.



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Chapter Five focuses upon the importance of Divine fulfillment of Writings in heaven or earth. Certain Writings, that exist in heaven regarding our lives on earth, are included in the Divine agenda for eternal activity in heaven and earth. In addition to identifying the location of these Divine Writings in our Scriptures, the importance of understanding how to live in concert with the fulfillment of Divine Writings for our life-purpose, are also emphasized in Chapter Five. As Jesus lived to fulfill Scripture and lived as a fulfillment of Scripture, he continues as fulfillment of Scripture daily within us.



The Spirit of Truth from heaven, is the only Person Who is really qualified to reveal how we are to fulfill heavenly writings, on earth. One of the functions of the heavenly Spirit of Truth, is to guide us into all heavenly truth, on earth ( Jn 16:13).  As Christ, is presently seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, the assignment of the Spirit of Christ, is to reveal the words, intentions, thoughts, message, and ministry of Jesus in heaven, on earth. This simply means that Jesus in heaven, is revealing the fulfillment of his heavenly written agenda, to his Body of Believers, on earth. As our Christ, succeeded in fulfilling heavenly writings on earth, he is teaching us, through his Spirit, how to do the same, from heaven, to earth. We exist in-Christ as a fulfillment of heavenly writings. We live daily in-Christ, to fulfill what has already been written. This is why we are not fretful of unpredictable occurrences in life, because we know that “in everything, God is working things together for our good,” according to His purpose and foreknowledge, regarding what has been written about us in-Christ.  Before we knew Christ, we believed in luck, fortune, or happenstance. But now, that our existence is in-Christ, our destination and destiny are governed by what has been written in heaven concerning our Christ, who sits at the Father’s right hand, in heaven.

The Spirit of Christ, is not limited to the limited programming of our brain. The unlimited potentials, of the eternal Spirit of Christ, can progressively become ours, as we grow in awareness of our Oneness with God. Apostle Paul told us that we are not to consider ourselves as “mere men.”  Who told us that we had to reduce our mental capacities to the limited thinking of our culture, in order to fit in?  In-Christ, we have an unlimited capacity to know, experience, perceive, imagine, and participate, in dimensions of reality that are unknown in our present culture. We can know what is already known of us in heaven, through the Spirit from heaven. We can perceive heavenly thoughts that extend from Omega in heaven, to earth. We can know, what no person has known in our present culture, because we exist in union with the God, Who created existence.

In-Christ, we are already fulfilling the writing of our names in the Lambs Book of Life that existed before the creation of the world (Rev 13:8).  We are to follow the example of our Christ, who lived to fulfill what was written in heaven for him on earth (Matt. 5:17; Ps 40:7), and even what was written in heaven on his body (thigh-Revelation 19:16). If we shall be judged by what has been written in heaven, then shouldn’t we also live by what has been written in heaven according to Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12? In the new heaven and earth, we will live according to what has been written on our foreheads throughout eternity according to Revelation 22:4. This means, that one day I will graduate from living to fulfill heavenly writings about me, to existing as a fulfillment of heavenly writings upon me. Jesus lived and died to fulfill what had been written in heaven, that informed his life on earth. I have chosen to live and die according to what has been written in heaven that informs my life on earth. What say ye?




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Chapter Six examines our capacity to understand the Eternality of God that is often concealed within the fabric of our Scriptures. The eternal presence of Divine and the activity of eternal activity (eternality) is present in both Old and New Testaments. Introduction to the importance of developing a systematic approach to locating eternality in our Scripture is emphasized in this chapter. Identification of personal benefits received from levels of companionship with eternal activity on earth, is also emphasized.  The connection between “ walking in the spirit” and the experience of an eternal lifestyle in our present now, is a featured focus in this chapter.  Finally, Chapter SIX explains why eternal life exist in our present now, rather than JUST in our future in heaven. Fulfilling the agenda of eternality by transforming the ephemeral into the eternal necessitates the presence of the eternal within the ephemeral for this transformation to occur.


Apostle Paul informed us that “the things that are not seen are more real than the things that are seen.” This was just another way of saying that the temporary, is sustained by the eternal, because the eternal is more authentic and real, than temporary things. God never created us to exist a cursory, Hollywood lifestyle, based upon plastic and unreal identities and temporary purposes for our existence. Our eternal God, originated us for an meaningful, eternal, everlasting relationship with Himself, which culminates in a new heavenly earth, forever. As Jesus Christ is eternally God the Son, likewise our existence in-Christ, includes the eternality of Christ. In short, the eternality in-Christ, is also the eternality within his Body (us), as we are now One spirit through the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ (1 Cor 6:17; Rom 8:16). As Christ is eternal, so are you and me  as the Divine Nature of God, in-Christ. This fact is very important. If you do not know your eternal identity in-Christ, then you are subject to accept identities that do not originate from God.

There is an eternal agenda, in-Christ, and you are already an active experience and expression of this everlasting heavenly agenda. Just imagine perceiving the eternality of God’s Joy, from every dimension possible in heaven or earth.  

Now you get a glimpse of the magnitude of blessing, that endless, everlasting, limitless, eternal Joy can provide within you. In-Christ, we are forever blessed beyond measure. Personal fulfillment comes from awareness of who we are eternally, what we are forever, and how we are to perpetually function within, of, and as, One, in-Christ. We are heavenly happy, fulfilled, complete and satisfied, in-Christ, even though we might not know it because of our habit of driving forward, while looking in the rear-view mirror.


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Chapter Seven focuses on How and ELN lifestyle can be achieved on a daily basis.

Information, regarding the disciplines, meditations and level or personal commitment to living eternally on a daily basis is provided in this chapter.

The Eternal Nature, Presence and Activity of God on earth is identified, itemized, and explained.

The benefits of choosing to live in concert and companionship with the presence of Divine activity on earth is emphasized in this chapter. Both ephemeral and eternal benefits are experienced as outcomes with choices to participate or companion eternal activity in heaven on earth.

Chapter Seven concludes with an eternal Affirmation of our persona, presence, position, everlasting posture, and security in-Christ.

Eternal security in-Christ is examined and confirmed in this chapter. Personal security in the eternal work of Christ within you and me allows for greater investment of our time and energy in-Christ, rather in fear of hell.

Finally, Chapter Seven confirmed the eternal fact that, OUR EXISTENCE IS SUFFICIENT AND ENOUGH, IN-CHRIST.  Heavenly culture is a culture of abundance, whereas earthly cultures tends towards attention to deficiencies. Present culture emphasizes what we need to be/become, or need to have/get in order to experience our best selves. We begin with deficiencies in human nature and end with deficiencies in our best definitions of success. As we look at ourselves through a Heavenly Lens, we major on abundance, that exist within the Divine Nature of Christ within us. We begin our focus with Divine abundance within our in-Christ identity and end with abundance as our eternal ID in- Christ.



Awareness of our “being” in the Divine Nature of God, is also consciousness of heaven already. Many people just want to go to heaven. I would rather have   God, because in-God, heavenly benefits are already included. Since the eternality of God is already resident in-Christ, then living the eternality of Christ in our present world, is actually living the eternality of God in heaven on earth, in our present now. An Eternal Living Now lifestyle, is living the eternal life of Christ within our world day by day, and moment by moment. We live our future, in our present now, as we exist in agreement with the guidance of the eternal Spirit of Christ. Our eternal lifestyle in-Christ, is exceptional, exemplary, and preferred. 

Anything you will eternally need is in-Christ. Everything you will eternally receive, will be through Christ.  All that we are, and are becoming, will be realized through our Oneness in and as Christ. My religious culture majored on success in this world with God’s assistance. I hope this book will help you to realize dimensions of the heavenly agenda that are much bigger than just the realization of success in this ephemeral world. Kingdom success for our eternal God, is success of the future Kingdom, realized as success in our present now. We are learning how to live now, in order to live again. Our training is eternal, in a temporary and ephemeral world. As we understand our eternal identity in Christ, we focus on eternal behavior as our new normal. Eternal Living Now is normal daily living in-Christ. God encourages graduation beyond a relationship with Him based upon temporary appetites, possessions, and perishable benefits as popularized by get rich movements in the name of Jesus. Faith in God is more than just faith in your ability to use your relationship with God for selfish gain. Enough of this foolishness! Eternal faith, rest in the eternal possibilities of the eternality of God in heaven on earth. Divine Faith is eternal because it is of God. The operation of Divine Faith within us, serves eternal purposes, according to the Will of God in heaven, on earth. God’s eternal Faith is too precious, too valuable, too important, to be relegated to just getting a new car, or home. Yes, the exercise of faith includes the desire for things, but never only things that perish, as we grow in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. We focus on the eternal, through the ephemeral things in our life. Why, because the eternal, is what sustains the ephemeral, and not vice-versa. Even our prayer for a new car, ultimately has an eternal purpose behind it as we mature in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. Our prayers for a mate, spouse, career, health, or wealth, are ultimately based upon the eternal purposes of God for our mission and purpose on this earth, and never just for fulfillment of pleasure, or hedonistic desires.



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As aforementioned, before God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, a relationship between God and Adam/mankind already existed within the heart and mind of the Divine.  Identity for mankind did not begin in the Garden, but within the heart and mind of God. In fact, the identity of Adam/mankind within the heart of God, became the blueprint and criterion for mankind’s identity in this material universe. Adam/mankind/you and me, were known internally, in the heart and mind of God first, before we experienced knowledge of ourselves in our material universe. Knowing, as we are known by God in the heavenlies, is our greatest achievement in this journey of self-discovery in life.

Through the eternality of God, we exist, “live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Eternality sustains, evolves, and will eventually complete us in the relationship we had within God before the creation of the earth. Eternity is not an occurrence after death. The eternal is within the fabric of existence as its sustainer and redeemer. The eternal exist in your present now. Awareness and alignment with the eternality of the Divine within our present now, was the underlying theme for the meaning, message, and ministry of Christ. Partnership, participation, and companionship, with the activity of the eternality of God in our world is one of the greatest achievements of our journey through this life. Ultimate meaning for our lives is found in the eternality of God. Remember, eternality for you and me is about our eternal God, originating humanity for an everlasting relationship with Himself in this world, and the new world to come. The eternality of God is everything, and everything is ultimately about the eternality of God. Selah!


  As God is what He behaves, the same standard remains for the activity of Divine Nature within each of us in-Christ. God never requires us to behave beyond or opposite our being in-Christ.  Within God’s household in heaven or earth, being, as a replication of Divine Image, will  always precede  behavior of Divine Likeness through us. Be-have means to have being as expression. You can only behave what you really are. In-Christ, we exist as the Divine Nature of the Spirit of Christ, therefore we can behave godly Nature, because we are OF godly Nature. Of course, behaving godly Nature is always a daily choice. We can choose to be who we really are in-Christ, or we can choose to be who we are not. The choice is always ours, and ours alone. As association evolves to assimilation in most relationships, God simply wants His children to be and behave like their Divine parent.

God revealed the Likeness of His Image, as behavior that is consistent with His identity as Divine Being in heaven. In other words, the Being and Behavior of the Divine are  in perfect union of essence and expression.  God (Image) is good (Likeness) all of the time, because all of the time God is good. The Behavior of God is always expressed in exact precision with His Being. God provides His children opportunities to be and behave like our Divine parent as we are challenged to “ be holy, as God is holy” (Lev 11:45). The challenge to be holy is not given to tempt us with failure, but to promote the practice of success through godly behavior as the expression of our being, in-Christ.


The existing state of spiritual soul, from a biblical perspective, means your spiritual soul, exists within your body, devoid of an intimate integration, with the eternal  quality of life, that is within Christ, Jesus. People wonder can spiritual souls (conscious spiritual beings), exist without the nature of Christ? The answer is yes! Fallen angelic spirits, familiar spirits, demonic spirits, spirits in hell, spiritual souls not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, etc., all exists devoid of intimate connection with  abundant eternal life in Christ. Obviously, spiritual souls, that exist, devoid of the abundant life of Christ, miss out on the privileges, realities, resources, and blessings, that reside within the eternal life of Christ.  One cannot experience fulfillment of purpose in the life of Christ, if one is devoid of the life of Christ.   Human spiritual souls, that experience being, in only the existing state, experience a disconnection, between their spirit (immaterial energy-animation), soul (immaterial consciousness), and material body, because of the infection of Sin,  received through the DNA of Adam (1 Cor 15:22).  The nature of Sin is death or separation.  The capacity for progressive restoration, as wholeness, between our spirit-soul-body connection, can only occur, through the regenerative intervention of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Christ).  This  regeneration process, is also called, spiritual conversion, born-again experience, spiritual transformation, or salvation.  The eternal life, of the Spirit of Christ,  initiates the union between our spirit-soul-body connection, that results in our transformation from  an existing, to  a living spiritual soul.  Living spiritual soul, simply occurs as the wholeness Nature of Divine Spirit, becomes the identical wholeness Nature of your spiritual soul. The wholeness-life of the Holy Spirit, Who is also called the Spirit of Christ,  becomes the capacity, and living experience, of wholeness-life within the born-again, soul-spirit-body, union. In short, the life of wholeness in the Holy Spirit, becomes the same capacity for wholeness of life, within the union, of the  material, and immaterial, spirit-soul- body components, of our personhood. The living life of Christ, carries with it, the   experience of eternal wholeness, in God’s household in heaven, or earth. Trust me, we are still just beginning to comprehend the magnitude of realities, within the life of Christ. When Jesus offered his life to us, in exchange for receipt of our fallen life on a cross, he really offered to us, a bargain of eternal value and worth.

As aforementioned, in heaven, before the creation of the earth, God saw you as His beloved, righteous, adopted, and holy family, within His heart (Eph 1:4,5). Your name was recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life in heaven before the creation of the earth (Rev 13:8). The relationship between your existence as the person whose name is written in the Lamb’s Book before the earth was created, is one and the same person. In other words, you do not exist as one persona, whose name is in the Lamb’s Book in heaven, and as another person, whose name is on your driver’s license. Though the name on your license and your eternal name in the Lamb’s Book in heaven, may be different, both names refer to you as the same person. God’s relationship with you and your name, began within His heart, long before your birth on earth.  You were known in heaven, before you knew yourself on earth. Seeing yourself through a heavenly lens, equates to seeing what God originally saw in you before your birth on earth. Again, if God saw you as a person, who was righteous enough for your name to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, and if God called you His unblameable, loved, and adopted family before the creation of the earth was completed, then is it possible for us to believe, what God believed in His heart, concerning us, before the earth existed? If yes, then is it possible to live God’s view of us in heaven, on earth? If you see yourself, through a heavenly lens, then earthly perspectives, critics, enemies, haters, jealous observers, will have less impact upon your life. Seeing yourself through a heavenly lens, means you are more focused upon the heavenly identity of Christ, who is also the true identity within your spiritual soul. A heavenly lens, helps us to see eternal and heavenly activities that transpires daily to fulfill the Will of God in heaven on earth (Matt 6:10). Seeing through a heavenly lens, helps us to understand the importance of the meaning, message, and ministry, of Jesus, our messiah, from a heavenly perspective. For example, Jesus revealed words, ideas, principles, powers, ethics, inhabitants, resurrection life, heavenly physics, eternality of purpose, obedience, submission, prophetic insight, love, and social interaction, from a heavenly perspective, on earth (See my book on Eternal Living Now-Intermediate Level for more information). In fact, Jesus declared, that he came from heaven, to earth, to reveal, obey and fulfill, the Will of the Father (in heaven), on earth. The whole ministry, message, and meaning of Christ on earth, was about the Throne room agenda for earth, in heaven. Because Jesus was aware of his heavenly identity, he refused to allow earthly, man-made, mundane, or cultural agendas to control him. The birth and death of Jesus, as well as the entirety of his life during the 1st century B.C.E., was about fulfillment of the Throne room agenda in heaven.



God’s Nature in your spiritual soul has transformed you into His Nature of love, peace, joy, gentleness, meekness, patience, and kindness. Think about this the next time you ask God for more love or joy. Realize that within the eternality of your spiritual soul is the love and joy you are seeking. As you allow God to peel off layers of your earth-suit, so you can realize the eternality of Christ within, your prayer vocabulary will change from solicitation to celebration and gratitude. In many ways, you are the answers you have prayed for. You just did not know it. Allow the knowledge within your spiritual soul to be the renewal of your self- consciousness (John 8:32).

You already know that the Nature of God’s Spirit becomes One with the Nature of your spiritual soul when born-again (1 Corinthians 6:17), and that the Holy Spirit can actually see the reflection of Himself in your spiritual soul (Rom 8:16). Since the eternality of the Holy Spirit and your spiritual soul are now as One, (1 Corinthians 6:17), you no longer just possess the fruit of Galatians 5:22; you now  exist as Divine fruit, and the appearance of your spiritual soul, is identical to the fruit of the Spirit. You now know that you exist as the eternal wealth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in Galatians 5:22. What you are eternally, is what you look like eternally, and what you look like, is what you are. Beginning to see the true and everlasting appearance of your spiritual soul now?

To look at you, in-Christ,  is to behold the highest Image and Likeness of God on earth. What a bold and unforgettable truth to share with others. People who know who they are possess a confidence that others searching for identity simply do not have. What a privilege it is to walk on this earth as the Image and Likeness of your Creator. Only prosperity, abundance, wholeness, health and unlimited potential exist in the Image and Likeness of God within your eternal Nature. The wealth of your Image and Likeness is beyond the value of any created thing. Poverty or lack may exist around you, but simply cannot exist within the eternality of Christ within you because poverty is a creation-concept, and your spiritual soul originated  from the uncreated bosom of God.  If God’s Image and Likeness exist as the answer in heaven, then His Image and Likeness within your eternal Nature, makes you His answer on earth. You are an answer on this earth, not a question.



The Spirit of Truth from heaven, is the only Person Who is really qualified to reveal how we are to fulfill heavenly writings, on earth. One of the functions of the heavenly Spirit of Truth, is to guide us into all heavenly truth, on earth ( Jn 16:13).  As Christ, is presently seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, the assignment of the Spirit of Christ, is to reveal the words, intentions, thoughts, message, and ministry of Jesus in heaven, on earth. This simply means that Jesus in heaven, is revealing the fulfillment of his heavenly written agenda, to his Body of Believers, on earth. As our Christ, succeeded in fulfilling heavenly writings on earth, he is teaching us, through his Spirit, how to do the same, from heaven, to earth. We exist in-Christ as a fulfillment of heavenly writings. We live daily in-Christ, to fulfill what has already been written. This is why we are not fretful of unpredictable occurrences in life, because we know that “in everything, God is working things together for our good,” according to His purpose and foreknowledge, regarding what has been written about us in-Christ.  Before we knew Christ, we believed in luck, fortune, or happenstance. But now, that our existence is in-Christ, our destination and destiny are governed by what has been written in heaven concerning our Christ, who sits at the Father’s right hand, in heaven.

The Spirit of Christ, is not limited to the limited programming of our brain. The unlimited potentials, of the eternal Spirit of Christ, can progressively become ours, as we grow in awareness of our Oneness with God. Apostle Paul told us that we are not to consider ourselves as “mere men.”  Who told us that we had to reduce our mental capacities to the limited thinking of our culture, in order to fit in?  In-Christ, we have an unlimited capacity to know, experience, perceive, imagine, and participate, in dimensions of reality that are unknown in our present culture. We can know what is already known of us in heaven, through the Spirit from heaven. We can perceive heavenly thoughts that extend from Omega in heaven, to earth. We can know, what no person has known in our present culture, because we exist in union with the God, Who created existence.

In-Christ, we are already fulfilling the writing of our names in the Lambs Book of Life that existed before the creation of the world (Rev 13:8).  We are to follow the example of our Christ, who lived to fulfill what was written in heaven for him on earth (Matt. 5:17; Ps 40:7), and even what was written in heaven on his body (thigh-Revelation 19:16). If we shall be judged by what has been written in heaven, then shouldn’t we also live by what has been written in heaven according to Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12? In the new heaven and earth, we will live according to what has been written on our foreheads throughout eternity according to Revelation 22:4. This means, that one day I will graduate from living to fulfill heavenly writings about me, to existing as a fulfillment of heavenly writings upon me. Jesus lived and died to fulfill what had been written in heaven, that informed his life on earth. I have chosen to live and die according to what has been written in heaven that informs my life on earth. What say ye?


Apostle Paul informed us that “the things that are not seen are more real than the things that are seen.” This was just another way of saying that the temporary, is sustained by the eternal, because the eternal is more authentic and real, than temporary things. God never created us to exist a cursory, Hollywood lifestyle, based upon plastic and unreal identities and temporary purposes for our existence. Our eternal God, originated us for an meaningful, eternal, everlasting relationship with Himself, which culminates in a new heavenly earth, forever. As Jesus Christ is eternally God the Son, likewise our existence in-Christ, includes the eternality of Christ. In short, the eternality in-Christ, is also the eternality within his Body (us), as we are now One spirit through the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ (1 Cor 6:17; Rom 8:16). As Christ is eternal, so are you and me  as the Divine Nature of God, in-Christ. This fact is very important. If you do not know your eternal identity in-Christ, then you are subject to accept identities that do not originate from God.

There is an eternal agenda, in-Christ, and you are already an active experience and expression of this everlasting heavenly agenda. Just imagine perceiving the eternality of God’s Joy, from every dimension possible in heaven or earth.  

Now you get a glimpse of the magnitude of blessing, that endless, everlasting, limitless, eternal Joy can provide within you. In-Christ, we are forever blessed beyond measure. Personal fulfillment comes from awareness of who we are eternally, what we are forever, and how we are to perpetually function within, of, and as, One, in-Christ. We are heavenly happy, fulfilled, complete and satisfied, in-Christ, even though we might not know it because of our habit of driving forward, while looking in the rear-view mirror.



Awareness of our “being” in the Divine Nature of God, is also consciousness of heaven already. Many people just want to go to heaven. I would rather have   God, because in-God, heavenly benefits are already included. Since the eternality of God is already resident in-Christ, then living the eternality of Christ in our present world, is actually living the eternality of God in heaven on earth, in our present now. An Eternal Living Now lifestyle, is living the eternal life of Christ within our world day by day, and moment by moment. We live our future, in our present now, as we exist in agreement with the guidance of the eternal Spirit of Christ. Our eternal lifestyle in-Christ, is exceptional, exemplary, and preferred. 

Anything you will eternally need is in-Christ. Everything you will eternally receive, will be through Christ.  All that we are, and are becoming, will be realized through our Oneness in and as Christ. My religious culture majored on success in this world with God’s assistance. I hope this book will help you to realize dimensions of the heavenly agenda that are much bigger than just the realization of success in this ephemeral world. Kingdom success for our eternal God, is success of the future Kingdom, realized as success in our present now. We are learning how to live now, in order to live again. Our training is eternal, in a temporary and ephemeral world. As we understand our eternal identity in Christ, we focus on eternal behavior as our new normal. Eternal Living Now is normal daily living in-Christ. God encourages graduation beyond a relationship with Him based upon temporary appetites, possessions, and perishable benefits as popularized by get rich movements in the name of Jesus. Faith in God is more than just faith in your ability to use your relationship with God for selfish gain. Enough of this foolishness! Eternal faith, rest in the eternal possibilities of the eternality of God in heaven on earth. Divine Faith is eternal because it is of God. The operation of Divine Faith within us, serves eternal purposes, according to the Will of God in heaven, on earth. God’s eternal Faith is too precious, too valuable, too important, to be relegated to just getting a new car, or home. Yes, the exercise of faith includes the desire for things, but never only things that perish, as we grow in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. We focus on the eternal, through the ephemeral things in our life. Why, because the eternal, is what sustains the ephemeral, and not vice-versa. Even our prayer for a new car, ultimately has an eternal purpose behind it as we mature in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. Our prayers for a mate, spouse, career, health, or wealth, are ultimately based upon the eternal purposes of God for our mission and purpose on this earth, and never just for fulfillment of pleasure, or hedonistic desires











INDEX – with Fill-in Answer Keys







The Divine agenda of our eternal God was to create temporary (Ephemeral) realities that would eventually evolve into eternal reality. In short, the temporary-evolving into the eternal through the existence of time, was, is and will be the agenda for human existence with our eternal God. The process for the evolution of the ephemeral into the eternal mandates the presence of the eternal in the midst of ephemeral reality in our universe. The eternal presence of God, and the eternal activity of God in our world (eternality), is substantiated by Quantum Physics. Modern science affirms the essence of all material forms of matter as energy that never dies (never ceases to exist) at atomic and sub-atomic levels. Science affirms that the existence of all expressions of matter that decays, is contingent upon the pre-existence of sub-atomic particles that never cease to exist, but only transform into different forms of energy in preputium.  Finally, Chapter One denotes the difference between the Eternal and Eternality as Divine Nature as the essence of the Eternal, and activity/expression/behavior of Divine Nature as Eternality. In short, who God is, within Himself, within/thru others or within/thru our universe is Eternal. What God does as active Divine expression within/thru others or within/thru our universe is Eternality.


Chapter One introduces the eternal presence/person of our eternal God in heaven or earth, as well as eternality-as the eternal activity of our eternal God in heaven or earth. It is noted that the eternal presence and activity of God in heaven or earth is qualitatively the same, though spiritual dimensional and quantitative expressions of eternality of the eternal in heaven, far exceeds human perceptions on earth. For example, Divine Love is understood by immortal beings in heaven in more spiritual dimensions and perceptions that mortal beings on earth.



The presence of both the Eternal and Eternality, that resides in-Christ, is within the Divine Nature of Christ that resides within you and me. This means, the eternal attributes of the Spirit of God in-Christ, becomes an integration of our spiritual nature in-Christ as well. Example, the Divine Peace of God is not just a possession of Believers, but also a state of our “being” in Oneness with the Nature of God in-Christ. We do not only possess the Love, Joy, Peace of God ( Gal 5:22), but because we experience Oneness between the Spirit of God and our human spirit in-Christ (1 Cor 6:17), the Divine Nature in the Spirit of Christ is now integrated into the nature of spiritual soul in-Christ. Divine Nature within us and AS us, will never cease to exist, and neither shall we in-Christ. Our identity in-Christ is Eternal. Knowing our Eternal ID is equally/if not more important than awareness of our natural identity.



As aforementioned, before God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, a relationship between God and Adam/mankind already existed within the heart and mind of the Divine.  Identity for mankind did not begin in the Garden, but within the heart and mind of God. In fact, the identity of Adam/mankind within the heart of God, became the blueprint and criterion for mankind’s identity in this material universe. Adam/mankind/you and me, were known internally, in the heart and mind of God first, before we experienced knowledge of ourselves in our material universe. Knowing, as we are known by God in the heavenlies, is our greatest achievement in this journey of self-discovery in life.

Through the eternality of God, we exist, “live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Eternality sustains, evolves, and will eventually complete us in the relationship we had within God before the creation of the earth. Eternity is not an occurrence after death. The eternal is within the fabric of existence as its sustainer and redeemer. The eternal exist in your present now. Awareness and alignment with the eternality of the Divine within our present now, was the underlying theme for the meaning, message, and ministry of Christ. Partnership, participation, and companionship, with the activity of the eternality of God in our world is one of the greatest achievements of our journey through this life. Ultimate meaning for our lives is found in the eternality of God. Remember, eternality for you and me is about our eternal God, originating humanity for an everlasting relationship with Himself in this world, and the new world to come. The eternality of God is everything, and everything is ultimately about the eternality of God. Selah!



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The similarities between the spiritual nature and physics of spiritual form between God and Adam (humans) are introduced in this chapter. As God in heaven is Spirit, so is Adam as spirit on earth. As God in heaven is Spirit within a physical form that can be seen by others around the Throne room, so is Adam a spirit-being within a material form (earthsuit) that can be seen by others (beings in heaven or earth). As God in heaven is Spirit with form endowed with a ruling/reigning Nature, so is Adam


Chapter Two informs of types of desire(s) within the Divine Nature of God in heaven. The Logic-model for understanding Divine desire(s) in heaven is based upon the fact that the desires of the Divine is equal to the Nature of the Divine. In short, God desires what is within His own nature, both in/thru our universe. Example, God desires holiness because His Nature is Holy. God desires His own Divine Nature within us as well. As we grow spiritually in allowing Divine desires to become the desires of our spiritual soul, desires of Divine Nature consciously becomes our eternal desires in our present Now.



  As God is what He behaves, the same standard remains for the activity of Divine Nature within each of us in-Christ. God never requires us to behave beyond or opposite our being in-Christ.  Within God’s household in heaven or earth, being, as a replication of Divine Image, will  always precede  behavior of Divine Likeness through us. Be-have means to have being as expression. You can only behave what you really are. In-Christ, we exist as the Divine Nature of the Spirit of Christ, therefore we can behave godly Nature, because we are OF godly Nature. Of course, behaving godly Nature is always a daily choice. We can choose to be who we really are in-Christ, or we can choose to be who we are not. The choice is always ours, and ours alone. As association evolves to assimilation in most relationships, God simply wants His children to be and behave like their Divine parent.

God revealed the Likeness of His Image, as behavior that is consistent with His identity as Divine Being in heaven. In other words, the Being and Behavior of the Divine are  in perfect union of essence and expression.  God (Image) is good (Likeness) all of the time, because all of the time God is good. The Behavior of God is always expressed in exact precision with His Being. God provides His children opportunities to be and behave like our Divine parent as we are challenged to “ be holy, as God is holy” (Lev 11:45). The challenge to be holy is not given to tempt us with failure, but to promote the practice of success through godly behavior as the expression of our being, in-Christ.


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Chapter Three introduces Living Souls as spiritual souls in union with the living-life of Christ through a born-again transformation. As the eternally living-life of Christ becomes one with the existence of our spiritual soul, we are transformed into Living Spiritual Souls.  Existing souls are spiritual entities who exist outside of union with the living-life of Christ. Examples, demons, fallen angels, Satan, the wicked, the reprobated, the unsaved.

Chapter Three also introduces the fact that spiritual beings (including you and me), have no choice regarding the perpetual existence of spiritual being. In other words, we cannot cease to exist as a spiritual being just because it suits our fancy. The presence of our existence within a reality is solely based upon Divine choice. The origination of the existence of our spirit-being is from God and He has decided our spirit-being will exist forever, either in fellowship with Him (new heavenly earth) or in a non-intimate existence (hell/lake of fire). We simply will exist, regardless of whether we desire to or not. Our only choice is regarding the eternal quality of our spiritual existence. Eternal spiritiual existence in-Christ or not in-Christ, is our choice-alone.

 Chapter Three also introduces us to the practice of discovering ourselves through a Heavenly Lens.  Apostle Paul reminded us that we already have a heavenly tent (body), that is not fabricated by the hands of man, that awaits upon the death of our present tent (earthsuit). In short, heaven is already aware of the existing form we will have in the Heavenly Household. Our goal on earth is to become aware and live according to the existing form we already are in the Heavenly Household, while stationed on earth. Learning to see our Scriptures through a Heavenly Lens will help to achieve this heavenly goal on earth.


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In addition to providing more narrative on the desires within Divine Nature within God and you/me in-Christ, Chapter Four also explores the eternal appearance of our eternal Nature in-Christ. How we eternally appear to the Throne room, the Heavenly Household, to Christ, both now and future, all evolve in/thru the Divine Nature of God within us and AS us. Our appearance as Divine Love, Peace, Righteousness, etc., is examined in this chapter. Emphasis on the fact that in-Christ, we shall forever look like the Divine Nature of God in the new heavenly-earthy to come, is also provided in this chapter.

Chapter Four also presents the differences between the natures and desires of our spiritual soul and earthsuit. In-Christ, the appetite of our spiritual soul desires the eternality of God, whereas the appetite of our earthsuit desires perishable earthen realities. Spirit desires spirit (celestial) and earthsuit desires earthiness ( terrestrial). The former desires the eternal, and the latter desires the ephemeral. These two desires cannot reign over our lives simultaneously. We must choose investment of our time and attention in the governing desires of our spiritual soul above earthsuit desires, or choose the governing desires of our earthsuit over our spiritual soul. The benefits of living according to the governing of the Spirit of God are identified in this chapter. The outcome of being governed by the Spirit of Christ within our spiritual soul is heavenly success, whereas the outcome of being governed by our earthsuit is perishable accomplishments. Choice is existentially our responsibility.

Chapter Four also emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth through AWARENESS. As natural growth occurs through awareness and wisdom through our five senses, likewise spiritual growth occurs through awareness of the eternal/eternality of God in/through/around us, within our universe. AWARENESS is the key to growth for spiritual beings in heaven or earth, both now and forever.

Chapter Four introduces the importance of exercising prioritizations that are practiced in heaven, on earth. Priorities, relative to the Divine Will of God in heaven, were introduced to earth  1st century A.D. through the message and ministry of Christ. Acquiescence to the heavenly Divine Will of God in heaven must supersede all human desires on earth in order to advance God’s heavenly interest on earth.


God’s Nature in your spiritual soul has transformed you into His Nature of love, peace, joy, gentleness, meekness, patience, and kindness. Think about this the next time you ask God for more love or joy. Realize that within the eternality of your spiritual soul is the love and joy you are seeking. As you allow God to peel off layers of your earth-suit, so you can realize the eternality of Christ within, your prayer vocabulary will change from solicitation to celebration and gratitude. In many ways, you are the answers you have prayed for. You just did not know it. Allow the knowledge within your spiritual soul to be the renewal of your self- consciousness (John 8:32).

You already know that the Nature of God’s Spirit becomes One with the Nature of your spiritual soul when born-again (1 Corinthians 6:17), and that the Holy Spirit can actually see the reflection of Himself in your spiritual soul (Rom 8:16). Since the eternality of the Holy Spirit and your spiritual soul are now as One, (1 Corinthians 6:17), you no longer just possess the fruit of Galatians 5:22; you now  exist as Divine fruit, and the appearance of your spiritual soul, is identical to the fruit of the Spirit. You now know that you exist as the eternal wealth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in Galatians 5:22. What you are eternally, is what you look like eternally, and what you look like, is what you are. Beginning to see the true and everlasting appearance of your spiritual soul now?

To look at you, in-Christ,  is to behold the highest Image and Likeness of God on earth. What a bold and unforgettable truth to share with others. People who know who they are possess a confidence that others searching for identity simply do not have. What a privilege it is to walk on this earth as the Image and Likeness of your Creator. Only prosperity, abundance, wholeness, health and unlimited potential exist in the Image and Likeness of God within your eternal Nature. The wealth of your Image and Likeness is beyond the value of any created thing. Poverty or lack may exist around you, but simply cannot exist within the eternality of Christ within you because poverty is a creation-concept, and your spiritual soul originated  from the uncreated bosom of God.  If God’s Image and Likeness exist as the answer in heaven, then His Image and Likeness within your eternal Nature, makes you His answer on earth. You are an answer on this earth, not a question.



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Chapter Five focuses upon the importance of Divine fulfillment of Writings in heaven or earth. Certain Writings, that exist in heaven regarding our lives on earth, are included in the Divine agenda for eternal activity in heaven and earth. In addition to identifying the location of these Divine Writings in our Scriptures, the importance of understanding how to live in concert with the fulfillment of Divine Writings for our life-purpose, are also emphasized in Chapter Five. As Jesus lived to fulfill Scripture and lived as a fulfillment of Scripture, he continues as fulfillment of Scripture daily within us.



The Spirit of Truth from heaven, is the only Person Who is really qualified to reveal how we are to fulfill heavenly writings, on earth. One of the functions of the heavenly Spirit of Truth, is to guide us into all heavenly truth, on earth ( Jn 16:13).  As Christ, is presently seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, the assignment of the Spirit of Christ, is to reveal the words, intentions, thoughts, message, and ministry of Jesus in heaven, on earth. This simply means that Jesus in heaven, is revealing the fulfillment of his heavenly written agenda, to his Body of Believers, on earth. As our Christ, succeeded in fulfilling heavenly writings on earth, he is teaching us, through his Spirit, how to do the same, from heaven, to earth. We exist in-Christ as a fulfillment of heavenly writings. We live daily in-Christ, to fulfill what has already been written. This is why we are not fretful of unpredictable occurrences in life, because we know that “in everything, God is working things together for our good,” according to His purpose and foreknowledge, regarding what has been written about us in-Christ.  Before we knew Christ, we believed in luck, fortune, or happenstance. But now, that our existence is in-Christ, our destination and destiny are governed by what has been written in heaven concerning our Christ, who sits at the Father’s right hand, in heaven.

The Spirit of Christ, is not limited to the limited programming of our brain. The unlimited potentials, of the eternal Spirit of Christ, can progressively become ours, as we grow in awareness of our Oneness with God. Apostle Paul told us that we are not to consider ourselves as “mere men.”  Who told us that we had to reduce our mental capacities to the limited thinking of our culture, in order to fit in?  In-Christ, we have an unlimited capacity to know, experience, perceive, imagine, and participate, in dimensions of reality that are unknown in our present culture. We can know what is already known of us in heaven, through the Spirit from heaven. We can perceive heavenly thoughts that extend from Omega in heaven, to earth. We can know, what no person has known in our present culture, because we exist in union with the God, Who created existence.

In-Christ, we are already fulfilling the writing of our names in the Lambs Book of Life that existed before the creation of the world (Rev 13:8).  We are to follow the example of our Christ, who lived to fulfill what was written in heaven for him on earth (Matt. 5:17; Ps 40:7), and even what was written in heaven on his body (thigh-Revelation 19:16). If we shall be judged by what has been written in heaven, then shouldn’t we also live by what has been written in heaven according to Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12? In the new heaven and earth, we will live according to what has been written on our foreheads throughout eternity according to Revelation 22:4. This means, that one day I will graduate from living to fulfill heavenly writings about me, to existing as a fulfillment of heavenly writings upon me. Jesus lived and died to fulfill what had been written in heaven, that informed his life on earth. I have chosen to live and die according to what has been written in heaven that informs my life on earth. What say ye?




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Chapter Six examines our capacity to understand the Eternality of God that is often concealed within the fabric of our Scriptures. The eternal presence of Divine and the activity of eternal activity (eternality) is present in both Old and New Testaments. Introduction to the importance of developing a systematic approach to locating eternality in our Scripture is emphasized in this chapter. Identification of personal benefits received from levels of companionship with eternal activity on earth, is also emphasized.  The connection between “ walking in the spirit” and the experience of an eternal lifestyle in our present now, is a featured focus in this chapter.  Finally, Chapter SIX explains why eternal life exist in our present now, rather than JUST in our future in heaven. Fulfilling the agenda of eternality by transforming the ephemeral into the eternal necessitates the presence of the eternal within the ephemeral for this transformation to occur.


Apostle Paul informed us that “the things that are not seen are more real than the things that are seen.” This was just another way of saying that the temporary, is sustained by the eternal, because the eternal is more authentic and real, than temporary things. God never created us to exist a cursory, Hollywood lifestyle, based upon plastic and unreal identities and temporary purposes for our existence. Our eternal God, originated us for an meaningful, eternal, everlasting relationship with Himself, which culminates in a new heavenly earth, forever. As Jesus Christ is eternally God the Son, likewise our existence in-Christ, includes the eternality of Christ. In short, the eternality in-Christ, is also the eternality within his Body (us), as we are now One spirit through the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ (1 Cor 6:17; Rom 8:16). As Christ is eternal, so are you and me  as the Divine Nature of God, in-Christ. This fact is very important. If you do not know your eternal identity in-Christ, then you are subject to accept identities that do not originate from God.

There is an eternal agenda, in-Christ, and you are already an active experience and expression of this everlasting heavenly agenda. Just imagine perceiving the eternality of God’s Joy, from every dimension possible in heaven or earth.  

Now you get a glimpse of the magnitude of blessing, that endless, everlasting, limitless, eternal Joy can provide within you. In-Christ, we are forever blessed beyond measure. Personal fulfillment comes from awareness of who we are eternally, what we are forever, and how we are to perpetually function within, of, and as, One, in-Christ. We are heavenly happy, fulfilled, complete and satisfied, in-Christ, even though we might not know it because of our habit of driving forward, while looking in the rear-view mirror.


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Chapter Seven focuses on How and ELN lifestyle can be achieved on a daily basis.

Information, regarding the disciplines, meditations and level or personal commitment to living eternally on a daily basis is provided in this chapter.

The Eternal Nature, Presence and Activity of God on earth is identified, itemized, and explained.

The benefits of choosing to live in concert and companionship with the presence of Divine activity on earth is emphasized in this chapter. Both ephemeral and eternal benefits are experienced as outcomes with choices to participate or companion eternal activity in heaven on earth.

Chapter Seven concludes with an eternal Affirmation of our persona, presence, position, everlasting posture, and security in-Christ.

Eternal security in-Christ is examined and confirmed in this chapter. Personal security in the eternal work of Christ within you and me allows for greater investment of our time and energy in-Christ, rather in fear of hell.

Finally, Chapter Seven confirmed the eternal fact that, OUR EXISTENCE IS SUFFICIENT AND ENOUGH, IN-CHRIST.  Heavenly culture is a culture of abundance, whereas earthly cultures tends towards attention to deficiencies. Present culture emphasizes what we need to be/become, or need to have/get in order to experience our best selves. We begin with deficiencies in human nature and end with deficiencies in our best definitions of success. As we look at ourselves through a Heavenly Lens, we major on abundance, that exist within the Divine Nature of Christ within us. We begin our focus with Divine abundance within our in-Christ identity and end with abundance as our eternal ID in- Christ.



Awareness of our “being” in the Divine Nature of God, is also consciousness of heaven already. Many people just want to go to heaven. I would rather have   God, because in-God, heavenly benefits are already included. Since the eternality of God is already resident in-Christ, then living the eternality of Christ in our present world, is actually living the eternality of God in heaven on earth, in our present now. An Eternal Living Now lifestyle, is living the eternal life of Christ within our world day by day, and moment by moment. We live our future, in our present now, as we exist in agreement with the guidance of the eternal Spirit of Christ. Our eternal lifestyle in-Christ, is exceptional, exemplary, and preferred. 

Anything you will eternally need is in-Christ. Everything you will eternally receive, will be through Christ.  All that we are, and are becoming, will be realized through our Oneness in and as Christ. My religious culture majored on success in this world with God’s assistance. I hope this book will help you to realize dimensions of the heavenly agenda that are much bigger than just the realization of success in this ephemeral world. Kingdom success for our eternal God, is success of the future Kingdom, realized as success in our present now. We are learning how to live now, in order to live again. Our training is eternal, in a temporary and ephemeral world. As we understand our eternal identity in Christ, we focus on eternal behavior as our new normal. Eternal Living Now is normal daily living in-Christ. God encourages graduation beyond a relationship with Him based upon temporary appetites, possessions, and perishable benefits as popularized by get rich movements in the name of Jesus. Faith in God is more than just faith in your ability to use your relationship with God for selfish gain. Enough of this foolishness! Eternal faith, rest in the eternal possibilities of the eternality of God in heaven on earth. Divine Faith is eternal because it is of God. The operation of Divine Faith within us, serves eternal purposes, according to the Will of God in heaven, on earth. God’s eternal Faith is too precious, too valuable, too important, to be relegated to just getting a new car, or home. Yes, the exercise of faith includes the desire for things, but never only things that perish, as we grow in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. We focus on the eternal, through the ephemeral things in our life. Why, because the eternal, is what sustains the ephemeral, and not vice-versa. Even our prayer for a new car, ultimately has an eternal purpose behind it as we mature in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. Our prayers for a mate, spouse, career, health, or wealth, are ultimately based upon the eternal purposes of God for our mission and purpose on this earth, and never just for fulfillment of pleasure, or hedonistic desires.



The NEW concepts/ideas/inspirations, received while reading this Chapter include the following:


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As aforementioned, before God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, a relationship between God and Adam/mankind already existed within the heart and mind of the Divine.  Identity for mankind did not begin in the Garden, but within the heart and mind of God. In fact, the identity of Adam/mankind within the heart of God, became the blueprint and criterion for mankind’s identity in this material universe. Adam/mankind/you and me, were known internally, in the heart and mind of God first, before we experienced knowledge of ourselves in our material universe. Knowing, as we are known by God in the heavenlies, is our greatest achievement in this journey of self-discovery in life.

Through the eternality of God, we exist, “live, move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Eternality sustains, evolves, and will eventually complete us in the relationship we had within God before the creation of the earth. Eternity is not an occurrence after death. The eternal is within the fabric of existence as its sustainer and redeemer. The eternal exist in your present now. Awareness and alignment with the eternality of the Divine within our present now, was the underlying theme for the meaning, message, and ministry of Christ. Partnership, participation, and companionship, with the activity of the eternality of God in our world is one of the greatest achievements of our journey through this life. Ultimate meaning for our lives is found in the eternality of God. Remember, eternality for you and me is about our eternal God, originating humanity for an everlasting relationship with Himself in this world, and the new world to come. The eternality of God is everything, and everything is ultimately about the eternality of God. Selah!



  As God is what He behaves, the same standard remains for the activity of Divine Nature within each of us in-Christ. God never requires us to behave beyond or opposite our being in-Christ.  Within God’s household in heaven or earth, being, as a replication of Divine Image, will  always precede  behavior of Divine Likeness through us. Be-have means to have being as expression. You can only behave what you really are. In-Christ, we exist as the Divine Nature of the Spirit of Christ, therefore we can behave godly Nature, because we are OF godly Nature. Of course, behaving godly Nature is always a daily choice. We can choose to be who we really are in-Christ, or we can choose to be who we are not. The choice is always ours, and ours alone. As association evolves to assimilation in most relationships, God simply wants His children to be and behave like their Divine parent.

God revealed the Likeness of His Image, as behavior that is consistent with His identity as Divine Being in heaven. In other words, the Being and Behavior of the Divine are  in perfect union of essence and expression.  God (Image) is good (Likeness) all of the time, because all of the time God is good. The Behavior of God is always expressed in exact precision with His Being. God provides His children opportunities to be and behave like our Divine parent as we are challenged to “ be holy, as God is holy” (Lev 11:45). The challenge to be holy is not given to tempt us with failure, but to promote the practice of success through godly behavior as the expression of our being, in-Christ.



The existing state of spiritual soul, from a biblical perspective, means your spiritual soul, exists within your body, devoid of an intimate integration, with the eternal  quality of life, that is within Christ, Jesus. People wonder can spiritual souls (conscious spiritual beings), exist without the nature of Christ? The answer is yes! Fallen angelic spirits, familiar spirits, demonic spirits, spirits in hell, spiritual souls not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, etc., all exists devoid of intimate connection with  abundant eternal life in Christ. Obviously, spiritual souls, that exist, devoid of the abundant life of Christ, miss out on the privileges, realities, resources, and blessings, that reside within the eternal life of Christ.  One cannot experience fulfillment of purpose in the life of Christ, if one is devoid of the life of Christ.   Human spiritual souls, that experience being, in only the existing state, experience a disconnection, between their spirit (immaterial energy-animation), soul (immaterial consciousness), and material body, because of the infection of Sin,  received through the DNA of Adam (1 Cor 15:22).  The nature of Sin is death or separation.  The capacity for progressive restoration, as wholeness, between our spirit-soul-body connection, can only occur, through the regenerative intervention of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Christ).  This  regeneration process, is also called, spiritual conversion, born-again experience, spiritual transformation, or salvation.  The eternal life, of the Spirit of Christ,  initiates the union between our spirit-soul-body connection, that results in our transformation from  an existing, to  a living spiritual soul.  Living spiritual soul, simply occurs as the wholeness Nature of Divine Spirit, becomes the identical wholeness Nature of your spiritual soul. The wholeness-life of the Holy Spirit, Who is also called the Spirit of Christ,  becomes the capacity, and living experience, of wholeness-life within the born-again, soul-spirit-body, union. In short, the life of wholeness in the Holy Spirit, becomes the same capacity for wholeness of life, within the union, of the  material, and immaterial, spirit-soul- body components, of our personhood. The living life of Christ, carries with it, the   experience of eternal wholeness, in God’s household in heaven, or earth. Trust me, we are still just beginning to comprehend the magnitude of realities, within the life of Christ. When Jesus offered his life to us, in exchange for receipt of our fallen life on a cross, he really offered to us, a bargain of eternal value and worth.

As aforementioned, in heaven, before the creation of the earth, God saw you as His beloved, righteous, adopted, and holy family, within His heart (Eph 1:4,5). Your name was recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life in heaven before the creation of the earth (Rev 13:8). The relationship between your existence as the person whose name is written in the Lamb’s Book before the earth was created, is one and the same person. In other words, you do not exist as one persona, whose name is in the Lamb’s Book in heaven, and as another person, whose name is on your driver’s license. Though the name on your license and your eternal name in the Lamb’s Book in heaven, may be different, both names refer to you as the same person. God’s relationship with you and your name, began within His heart, long before your birth on earth.  You were known in heaven, before you knew yourself on earth. Seeing yourself through a heavenly lens, equates to seeing what God originally saw in you before your birth on earth. Again, if God saw you as a person, who was righteous enough for your name to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, and if God called you His unblameable, loved, and adopted family before the creation of the earth was completed, then is it possible for us to believe, what God believed in His heart, concerning us, before the earth existed? If yes, then is it possible to live God’s view of us in heaven, on earth? If you see yourself, through a heavenly lens, then earthly perspectives, critics, enemies, haters, jealous observers, will have less impact upon your life. Seeing yourself through a heavenly lens, means you are more focused upon the heavenly identity of Christ, who is also the true identity within your spiritual soul. A heavenly lens, helps us to see eternal and heavenly activities that transpires daily to fulfill the Will of God in heaven on earth (Matt 6:10). Seeing through a heavenly lens, helps us to understand the importance of the meaning, message, and ministry, of Jesus, our messiah, from a heavenly perspective. For example, Jesus revealed words, ideas, principles, powers, ethics, inhabitants, resurrection life, heavenly physics, eternality of purpose, obedience, submission, prophetic insight, love, and social interaction, from a heavenly perspective, on earth (See my book on Eternal Living Now-Intermediate Level for more information). In fact, Jesus declared, that he came from heaven, to earth, to reveal, obey and fulfill, the Will of the Father (in heaven), on earth. The whole ministry, message, and meaning of Christ on earth, was about the Throne room agenda for earth, in heaven. Because Jesus was aware of his heavenly identity, he refused to allow earthly, man-made, mundane, or cultural agendas to control him. The birth and death of Jesus, as well as the entirety of his life during the 1st century B.C.E., was about fulfillment of the Throne room agenda in heaven.



God’s Nature in your spiritual soul has transformed you into His Nature of love, peace, joy, gentleness, meekness, patience, and kindness. Think about this the next time you ask God for more love or joy. Realize that within the eternality of your spiritual soul is the love and joy you are seeking. As you allow God to peel off layers of your earth-suit, so you can realize the eternality of Christ within, your prayer vocabulary will change from solicitation to celebration and gratitude. In many ways, you are the answers you have prayed for. You just did not know it. Allow the knowledge within your spiritual soul to be the renewal of your self- consciousness (John 8:32).

You already know that the Nature of God’s Spirit becomes One with the Nature of your spiritual soul when born-again (1 Corinthians 6:17), and that the Holy Spirit can actually see the reflection of Himself in your spiritual soul (Rom 8:16). Since the eternality of the Holy Spirit and your spiritual soul are now as One, (1 Corinthians 6:17), you no longer just possess the fruit of Galatians 5:22; you now  exist as Divine fruit, and the appearance of your spiritual soul, is identical to the fruit of the Spirit. You now know that you exist as the eternal wealth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in Galatians 5:22. What you are eternally, is what you look like eternally, and what you look like, is what you are. Beginning to see the true and everlasting appearance of your spiritual soul now?

To look at you, in-Christ,  is to behold the highest Image and Likeness of God on earth. What a bold and unforgettable truth to share with others. People who know who they are possess a confidence that others searching for identity simply do not have. What a privilege it is to walk on this earth as the Image and Likeness of your Creator. Only prosperity, abundance, wholeness, health and unlimited potential exist in the Image and Likeness of God within your eternal Nature. The wealth of your Image and Likeness is beyond the value of any created thing. Poverty or lack may exist around you, but simply cannot exist within the eternality of Christ within you because poverty is a creation-concept, and your spiritual soul originated  from the uncreated bosom of God.  If God’s Image and Likeness exist as the answer in heaven, then His Image and Likeness within your eternal Nature, makes you His answer on earth. You are an answer on this earth, not a question.



The Spirit of Truth from heaven, is the only Person Who is really qualified to reveal how we are to fulfill heavenly writings, on earth. One of the functions of the heavenly Spirit of Truth, is to guide us into all heavenly truth, on earth ( Jn 16:13).  As Christ, is presently seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, the assignment of the Spirit of Christ, is to reveal the words, intentions, thoughts, message, and ministry of Jesus in heaven, on earth. This simply means that Jesus in heaven, is revealing the fulfillment of his heavenly written agenda, to his Body of Believers, on earth. As our Christ, succeeded in fulfilling heavenly writings on earth, he is teaching us, through his Spirit, how to do the same, from heaven, to earth. We exist in-Christ as a fulfillment of heavenly writings. We live daily in-Christ, to fulfill what has already been written. This is why we are not fretful of unpredictable occurrences in life, because we know that “in everything, God is working things together for our good,” according to His purpose and foreknowledge, regarding what has been written about us in-Christ.  Before we knew Christ, we believed in luck, fortune, or happenstance. But now, that our existence is in-Christ, our destination and destiny are governed by what has been written in heaven concerning our Christ, who sits at the Father’s right hand, in heaven.

The Spirit of Christ, is not limited to the limited programming of our brain. The unlimited potentials, of the eternal Spirit of Christ, can progressively become ours, as we grow in awareness of our Oneness with God. Apostle Paul told us that we are not to consider ourselves as “mere men.”  Who told us that we had to reduce our mental capacities to the limited thinking of our culture, in order to fit in?  In-Christ, we have an unlimited capacity to know, experience, perceive, imagine, and participate, in dimensions of reality that are unknown in our present culture. We can know what is already known of us in heaven, through the Spirit from heaven. We can perceive heavenly thoughts that extend from Omega in heaven, to earth. We can know, what no person has known in our present culture, because we exist in union with the God, Who created existence.

In-Christ, we are already fulfilling the writing of our names in the Lambs Book of Life that existed before the creation of the world (Rev 13:8).  We are to follow the example of our Christ, who lived to fulfill what was written in heaven for him on earth (Matt. 5:17; Ps 40:7), and even what was written in heaven on his body (thigh-Revelation 19:16). If we shall be judged by what has been written in heaven, then shouldn’t we also live by what has been written in heaven according to Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12? In the new heaven and earth, we will live according to what has been written on our foreheads throughout eternity according to Revelation 22:4. This means, that one day I will graduate from living to fulfill heavenly writings about me, to existing as a fulfillment of heavenly writings upon me. Jesus lived and died to fulfill what had been written in heaven, that informed his life on earth. I have chosen to live and die according to what has been written in heaven that informs my life on earth. What say ye?



Apostle Paul informed us that “the things that are not seen are more real than the things that are seen.” This was just another way of saying that the temporary, is sustained by the eternal, because the eternal is more authentic and real, than temporary things. God never created us to exist a cursory, Hollywood lifestyle, based upon plastic and unreal identities and temporary purposes for our existence. Our eternal God, originated us for an meaningful, eternal, everlasting relationship with Himself, which culminates in a new heavenly earth, forever. As Jesus Christ is eternally God the Son, likewise our existence in-Christ, includes the eternality of Christ. In short, the eternality in-Christ, is also the eternality within his Body (us), as we are now One spirit through the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ (1 Cor 6:17; Rom 8:16). As Christ is eternal, so are you and me  as the Divine Nature of God, in-Christ. This fact is very important. If you do not know your eternal identity in-Christ, then you are subject to accept identities that do not originate from God.

There is an eternal agenda, in-Christ, and you are already an active experience and expression of this everlasting heavenly agenda. Just imagine perceiving the eternality of God’s Joy, from every dimension possible in heaven or earth.  

Now you get a glimpse of the magnitude of blessing, that endless, everlasting, limitless, eternal Joy can provide within you. In-Christ, we are forever blessed beyond measure. Personal fulfillment comes from awareness of who we are eternally, what we are forever, and how we are to perpetually function within, of, and as, One, in-Christ. We are heavenly happy, fulfilled, complete and satisfied, in-Christ, even though we might not know it because of our habit of driving forward, while looking in the rear-view mirror.



Awareness of our “being” in the Divine Nature of God, is also consciousness of heaven already. Many people just want to go to heaven. I would rather have   God, because in-God, heavenly benefits are already included. Since the eternality of God is already resident in-Christ, then living the eternality of Christ in our present world, is actually living the eternality of God in heaven on earth, in our present now. An Eternal Living Now lifestyle, is living the eternal life of Christ within our world day by day, and moment by moment. We live our future, in our present now, as we exist in agreement with the guidance of the eternal Spirit of Christ. Our eternal lifestyle in-Christ, is exceptional, exemplary, and preferred. 

Anything you will eternally need is in-Christ. Everything you will eternally receive, will be through Christ.  All that we are, and are becoming, will be realized through our Oneness in and as Christ. My religious culture majored on success in this world with God’s assistance. I hope this book will help you to realize dimensions of the heavenly agenda that are much bigger than just the realization of success in this ephemeral world. Kingdom success for our eternal God, is success of the future Kingdom, realized as success in our present now. We are learning how to live now, in order to live again. Our training is eternal, in a temporary and ephemeral world. As we understand our eternal identity in Christ, we focus on eternal behavior as our new normal. Eternal Living Now is normal daily living in-Christ. God encourages graduation beyond a relationship with Him based upon temporary appetites, possessions, and perishable benefits as popularized by get rich movements in the name of Jesus. Faith in God is more than just faith in your ability to use your relationship with God for selfish gain. Enough of this foolishness! Eternal faith, rest in the eternal possibilities of the eternality of God in heaven on earth. Divine Faith is eternal because it is of God. The operation of Divine Faith within us, serves eternal purposes, according to the Will of God in heaven, on earth. God’s eternal Faith is too precious, too valuable, too important, to be relegated to just getting a new car, or home. Yes, the exercise of faith includes the desire for things, but never only things that perish, as we grow in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. We focus on the eternal, through the ephemeral things in our life. Why, because the eternal, is what sustains the ephemeral, and not vice-versa. Even our prayer for a new car, ultimately has an eternal purpose behind it as we mature in awareness of the eternal purposes of God. Our prayers for a mate, spouse, career, health, or wealth, are ultimately based upon the eternal purposes of God for our mission and purpose on this earth, and never just for fulfillment of pleasure, or hedonistic desires.