Skill development in the extraction of Eternality within our Scriptures…
The Workbook, for this course may be downloaded, or reviewed on this online page (below). This Workbook serves as a companion for the Training Video on this page.
The function of the Workbook is to provide brief explanations relative to featured subjects in the Training Video. You are strongly encouraged to purchase the Scriptural Eternality textbook that provides a comprehensive understanding of why/how to extract eternal realities within the fabric of our Scriptures. Please press the PURCHASE Link to procure your copy of the textbook fo this Course.
Eternal Living Now
· INDEX – with Fill-in Answer Keys
• Chapter One established the fact, that eternality is present throughout Old and New Testament episodes in our Scriptures. Courses One and Two established working definitions of the term eternal and eternality. Scriptural Eternality identifies the presence and activity of the eternal that may be implied or revealed within the bible. The eternal presence of God in the form of thunder and lightening upon a mountain, a non-consumable burning bush, the Divine physics of form as seen in the book of Job, or covenant sacrifice with Abraham, in addition to eternal activities of God as expressed through the agency of angels, clouds, miracles and resurrections, all confirm the eternal presence and activity of our God in our Scriptures. The ultimate purpose for the eternal presence and activity of God on earth is to evolve heaven and earth into one everlasting household (new heavenly earth).
• The foundation for the investigation of Scriptures through an Eternal Lens based upon exegetical & eisegetical research processes, is provided in Chapter One. Since the B.I.B.L.E. is often understood as Basic. Instructions. Before. Leaving. Earth., it is important for each student to develop a systematic extraction process that reveals the eternal jewels that are often hidden within the fabric of our Scriptures. As God is eternal and our relationship with Him is eternal, everlasting resources, tools, gifts, and opportunities for eternal participation, are strategically placed within each of our journeys for fulfillment of Divine purposes. Identification of eternal resources, agendas, and activity through our Scriptures will help us to align our ministerial efforts with the precision with the strategic work of the eternal Spirit of God in our world. Our Scriptures have been popularly used to justify perishable achievements in our culture. The time has come for us to learn how to recognize eternal realities in our Scripture so that we can participate in the activity and achievements of the Spirit of God in our present now. Good information is usually the basis for good decisions. Biblical information on the eternality of God will assist in one’s decision to life an eternal lifestyle on a daily basis. Scripture Eternality provides a step-by-step process for the identification and application of eternal knowledge, tools and resources for fulfillment of life-purpose.
• The relationship between eternal activities and the everlasting Divine Nature within the new species that we are in-Christ, is examined in Chapter One. As the Divine Nature of Christ is eternal, the presence of his Nature within the nature of our spiritual soul evolves an eternal union of “being” between the Holy Spirit and our human spirit. In Oneness in/with Christ, we have opportunities to experience the eternal thoughts and intentions of the Father in heaven through the Son, on earth. The eternal includes the future, past and present simultaneously. Under the governing of the eternal Spirit of God, we can know and experience timeless realities in our timely world. Christ rose from the grave as the firstfruits of a new blood covered species that never existed in heaven or earth. We exist in-Christ as an expression of Divine Love that became death in order to transcend it through resurrection with Christ. No angel has experienced this kind of Divine expression of Love that exist within us and AS us in-Christ. We are a unique, new species, that will require a new heaven and earth for full expression of the glory that is within us.
Since our focus will major on the process of locating eternality within the fabric of our scriptures, then a definition for the word ______ (pulling out of scripture), ______ (reading into scriptures), and ______ (art/science of scripture interpretation), in addition to our limited use of the processes represented by each of these words, is also warranted. By definition, exegesis involves the attempt to explain what the text meant in the original literary and socio-historical setting for its original writer and audience. A simple working definition is that exegesis, is the attempt to interpret scriptures, as close to the context of its original language and meaning, as possible. Since we cannot go back to B.C. or A.D., it is impossible to ______ ancient scriptures in our bible with 100% accuracy. Because of our human nature, our words, phrases, and original intentions in our writings and documentations, are in a constant state of interpretive ______.
Although passages of scriptures will be reviewed in this book from a ______ exegetical ______, this author informs the reader up front, that this book will begin and end with perspectives that are based upon interpretation of scripture through an Eternal Lens for intentional ______, of eternal outcomes. This means that time will not be expended in this book, to present a false pretense of neutrality towards scripture as the disposition of this author. I repeat, scientific neutrality towards the scripture, is not the goal of this author. My intention, is to view scripture through a Lens of ______, which means a limited practice of eisegesis, will be included in the interpretation of scriptures by default. Also, some principles of hermeneutics, relative to identification and ______ with eternal realities from ______ perspectives, will be presented in Chapters Three and ______.
• The IMPORTANCE and DOMINANCE of the DIVINE Nature of God in heaven, is examined in this chapter. God Nature in heaven or earth, is a ruling/reigning Nature. Heaven experiences peace because the Nature of God in heaven suffers no competition. Only one nature exist in the Heavenly Household, that nature is the Nature of God. Believers with expectations of entering heaven must know that the Divine Nature of God must exist within you in order to enter into the Heavenly Household that is dominated by the Nature of God. Our flesh, blood, or earthsuit will not gain admittance in heaven, regardless of their earthen value. Once again, only the Divine Nature of God within us in-Christ qualifies indwelling in the Heavenly Household of inhabitants who exist in/as the Nature of God.
• The Importance of the priority of Divine Desires in the heavenly household, is examined in this Chapter. God’s Heavenly Household will never suffer competitive or conflicting desires due to Sin again. Satanic desires were kicked-out and only desires from the Divine Nature of God exist around the Throne room in heaven. Jesus revealed heavenly priority to us relative to the position of God’s Will regarding our hierarchy of needs. For Christ and disciples, the Will of God must come before all other values, passions, goals and plans. The Will of God is worthy of every sacrifice, in life or in death. All other values in heaven follow the Will of God. All decisions in the Heavenly Household are based upon the Will of God. Jesus informed earth, that the same posture and position the Will of God has in heaven, is heaven’s agenda for full manifestation and realization, on earth. God is eternally evolving earth into a heavenly society. It is just a matter of time before the Will of God in heaven (Matt 6:10), will be fully manifest heavenly outcomes through realization and manifestation within human hearts. Personal fulfillment of “ Thy Will be done” is the highest priority in the Household of God in heaven, or earth.
• Personal benefits and edification, achieved through participation with Eternal activities are examined in Chapter Two. As we choose to flow, follow, or participate with the activity of the eternal Spirit of God, we are afforded opportunities to enjoy the blessings and manifestations of heavenly outcomes on earth. God is “the Blessed,” heaven is blessed, the eternal activity of the Holy Spirit on earth is blessed. Experiencing the eternal Spirit of God is a blessing. Participation with the activity of the Spirit of God is a blessing. Sharing the manifestation of heavenly wholeness, health, deliverance, truth, righteousness, etc., is also a blessing. You simply cannot follow, participate or companion the activity of the Holy Spirit without ultimately experiencing the blessings inherent in the Nature of God.
• How Eternality is a heavenly solution that transcends earthly adversities, is also discussed in this Chapter. As we learn the value of focusing on the value of eternal solutions in heaven, we learn how to channel our energy and efforts into vehicling celestial solutions into our terrestrial world, rather than elevating perishing problems on earth into mountainous concerns. Since most of our problems are based upon things or situations that are in the process of passing away, we are learning how to major on investment of our time and talents in heavenly Throne room priorities. Since a heavenly existence is our eternal future, then every personal investment into the Kingdom of God is of the highest value today, tomorrow, and forever.
• Chapter Two closes with a challenge to envision what Oneness with Eternal Presence and Activity could look like in your personal life. Fulfillment of mental goals provide impetus, purpose and desire for industry that transforms goals on paper into objective reality. Goals provide an ideal, a tangible target to aim for, something to see, aspire and reach for. Goals help us to know when we have succeeded, achieved or arrived. Could you imagine the time that would be wasted is you were successful, but never knew it? Many if not most in the Body of Christ desire union and communion with the presence and activity of God’s Spirit. How many of us have actually envisioned what our lives would look like in full surrender to the personality of Divine Spirit. What would you look like as a fully transparent vessel and vehicle of God’s Throne room character in your home? What would you sound like in full command of eternal language in heaven, on earth? What would you like in stressful situations as you view life through an Eternal Lens? Chapter Two helps us to use imagination to envision our future self in our present now.
The ultimate ______ of the eternal Nature of the Divine, are “eternal.” Jesus revealed the Law of Sameness, when he said, “that, which is born of flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of spirit, is spirit” (Jn 3:6). In other words, ______, is an indicator of uniformity, as well as the desires unique to this uniformity. The eternal Nature of God desires, what is uniformly ______ the eternal Nature of Himself. Likewise, eternality is also the deepest desire of the human soul that desires existence in uniformity with the Image and Likeness, of the Divine. This is the reason why Solomon said that mankind was “______ to desire eternity” (Eccl 3:11). The ephemeral and temporary experiences of life, will never provide ultimate satisfaction of fulfillment, because the desires of our spiritual souls, are ______.
As we learn how to discover eternal truths and realities that are located within the fabric of our scriptures, we will be challenged to choose to ______ ourselves with the purposes and activities of eternal realities in heaven, that also operate on our earth. The eternality of the everlasting, originates from our eternal God, for a purpose. God has established eternal operations, and activities in our world, in order to bring about the fulfillment of His promises regarding His ultimate everlasting, and endless, new world order of a ______ earth. God intends for His present heavenly society, to transform earth into an endless heavenly society, so that both Divine households in heaven and earth, can become one eternal household, residing in one new heaven and earth location (Matt 6:10). Our eternal God, is controlling, shifting, bending events on earth, towards fulfillment of His ultimate eternal Will. Divine, eternal activity, is acting upon life in our universe, daily. We have opportunities to participate, and ______, with the eternal activities of God for shared eternal outcomes, every single day. Personal participation in the eternal love of God, eternal peace of God, joy of God, healing of God, compassion of God, goodness of God, etc., results in your personal ______ and ______ as a bonus.
• Chapter Three provides research strategies, including the exercise of the Prospecting Process, and the Rudiments of Research process for extracting eternal refences in our Scriptures. Each research process is introduced to encourage students of the Scripture to develop personal discipline in systematically extracting eternality in our bible.
• Research Tools such as Concordances, Bible Dictionaries, Interlinear, Commentaries, Atlases, Handbooks, Word-definition books, Theology and many more resources, are presented in Chapter Three. The relevance of each tools, in addition to navigational recommendations for use of research tools, are provided in Chapter Three.
• The Hermeneutic Process is also provided in Chapter Three with steps that include the Observation process, Development, Interpretation and Application methods for responsible interpretation and application of Scripture.
The Prospecting ______ for this book, begins with agreement with an initial unction, received from the eternal Spirit of God (1 Jn 2:20). Why? Because the ______ of eternality within the fabric of our scriptures, originated from and through the eternal Spirit of God (2 Tim 3:16). As the Spirit of God in heaven revealed the thoughts of God from heaven to earth, we must remember that God’s ______ do not originate through the human mind, but the Mind of our eternal God. For example, eternal thoughts, revelations, meanings, and purposes were communicated by God’s eternal Spirit to prophets, sages, writers, preachers, teachers, seers, kings, priest, men, women, boys and girls, throughout the scriptures in order to reveal the eternality of Divine intentions to mankind. The eternal Spirit of God, Who ______ the scriptures, is really the only Person ______ to guide us into the eternal treasures that are concealed within the bible.
Locating the gold of ______ in our scriptures is our first priority in the Prospecting Process. Next, upon receiving an unction from the Holy Spirit concerning a certain word, phrase, or passage of scriptural gold, we must proceed to digging out the gold of eternality, and separating the gold (eternality), from the ephemeral (temporary). In actual gold mining, the raw gold was often heated or melted in order to get rid of unnecessary elements that were attached to it under the ground. The dross, or elements that were discarded or burned off, were still valuable for other purposes, but the desire was to remove all ______ so that only pure ______ would remain. As we learn how to separate scriptures that reveal eternality from scriptures that only refer to timely events, we develop a list of eternal verses for our everlasting ______ that may be progressively used, in service of mature ______ of eternal language. Finally, through our Prospecting Process, determination of what is relevant to our need and the needs of others, will help us ______ the words we need to research, as we ______ from the Prospecting Process to Rudiments of ______ exercises.
Extraction examples of the Eternal and Eternality within the fabric of scriptures in St John, Chapters 6 – 21, are examined for revelations, i.e.,
• Identification of Categories of Eternal Presence/Activity for each chapter of John 6-21, is presented. Eternal words, implications, and inferences are labeled and grouped categorically for easier identification.
• Commentary on eternal words/phrases in St John is provided. The author reveals eternal insights, explanations and observations relative to eternal meanings throughout the Gospel of St. John.
• Eternal Extraction Exercises are also presented in this chapter for skill development in locating eternality in our Scriptures thru an Eternal Lens. Investigating Scripture through an Eternal Lens allows for greater sensitivity and awareness of intentions, implications and declarations, that are often hidden within the fabric of our Scriptures. The more we practice extracting eternality from our Scriptures, the more skillful we become in accomplishing our extraction goals.
Plenty of episodes in our scriptures that conceal eternal truths, await discovery by those who desire to look deep enough to find them. The Gospel of ______, is replete with ______ of eternality in almost every chapter. I did some digging for you in order to provide examples of timeless activities and truths such as, eternal presence, thoughts, words, and language from our eternal Father that were revealed, and ______, by Jesus on this ______. Revelations of eternal love, peace, mercy, forgiveness, resurrection power, as well as ______ of direct communication between our Father in heaven and our eternal Christ, on earth, have been ______.
John 10:7-9: The new presence of God is no longer limited to the Holy of Holies in the ______ (The Ark of the Covenant, in the Holy of Holies section of the Temple had been removed during the Babylonian invasion of 587-586 B.C., and had not been returned, therefore the Ark of the Covenant, that God honored with His actual presence, was actually missing in the Holy of Holies section of the Temple during the time of Christ), The new connection, between God and Man, now occurred through the person of Jesus, the Christ, as the new spiritual ______ of the ______, according to God’s ______ agenda in heaven, on earth.
John 10:9, 10, 14,-16, 22,23: The new ______ between God in heaven, and man on earth, was no longer limited to ______ in the Holy of Holies, but with the presence of Jesus at ______ porch (global Court of the Gentiles & Women), located in the universal section of the ______. The Holy of Holy was reserved, only for Jewish ______. However, the Court of the ______ was available to every soul. According to the agenda of our eternal God in heaven, Jesus would not be found in the Holy of Holies, or Priest or Jewish men-only ______ of the ______, but at the place in the Temple, where ______ humanity could have an opportunity to experience God, through Christ.
Chapter Five majors on the Blessings of Eternal Awareness. Awareness of the eternality of God’s presence, Nature and Agenda, is the highest level of awareness in the household of God in heaven or earth. Spiritual growth is increased awareness of God in this world, or the world to come.
Chapter Five illustrates how alignment with Eternal Activity results in:
• Incubating and vehicling eternal heavenly health into our world. Divine Nature is ultimate health in heaven. The Holy Spirit is releasing, manifesting, imputing Divine Health in heaven on earth through you and me. Participation with the activity of the Holy Spirit automatically makes us heavenly health agents for Christ.
• The Profitable outcomes of choosing to participate, partner and companion with heavenly prioritizations, on earth. God’s Heavenly Household experiences the fullness of Divine blessings because it regards the Will of God with the highest priority. The household of God on earth will experience edification, profit and increased blessings as we learn how to prioritize God’s heavenly Will above every earthly priority.
• Alignment results in the ability to see ourselves, as we are already seen in the heavenlies. The idea and vision of us within the heart of God, in addition to the spiritual body that awaits us in heaven (2 Cor 5:1) according to Apostle Paul, is the heavenly view we should have of ourselves while dwelling on earth. Seeing yourself as heaven seeing you will fortify against cultural criticisms of this world. Heaven has a value and view of you that exceeds your age, gender, social class, ethnicity or color of skin. The view of yourself from this world’s cultural perspective is an ephemeral view, whereas the view of yourself through a Heavenly Lens is an everlasting view.
• Alignment encourages the development of our eternal vocabulary, so that the eternality of our vocabulary can transform the environment around us. Jesus revealed to us that his words are ‘living & life.” The words and language of Jesus are alive in heaven or earth. Reinstating the eternal intentions, vocabulary, and utterance of our Savior, vehicles the eternal presence, powers and authority of the living words of Jesus into our universe. What a privilege we have because we are graced with daily opportunities to declare, release and exercise vocabulary that describes, and reveals the eternal-transformative presence of Divine eternality through language.
· Chapter Five concludes with a Model Prayer that is based upon alignment with Oneness with Eternal Presence and activity in heaven on earth. The most effective prayers we can pray are prayers that are in concert and alignment with eternal truths in heaven on earth. God responds to His own truth, in heaven or earth. Praying eternal truth is effective prayer.
Within ______, we discover all everlasting truths and realities. Sin, and other ephemerality in this life, will perish and one day cease to exist in the presence of eternal ______. Only the things that are eternal are worthy of the majority of my time and attention. Eternal solutions and realities of God like eternal salvation, everlasting love, endless joy, and perpetual peace, are what I choose to participate with daily as fulfillment of purpose in this life. Later, God revealed to me that the eternal is in the ______ of transforming the ______, into the eternal. An example of this, is that our temporary societies are progressively being transformed into an eternal society, that will be ruled by Jesus Christ the heavenly Messiah on earth forever. As I was in the process of losing respect for the ______ of our bible, God opened my eyes to seeing the ______of His presence, principles, and activity that was ______ within the fabric of our scriptures.
Shouldn’t we follow the example of Jesus by joining in with the ______, eternal work of the Father, through the Spirit of Christ on earth? The eternal activities of love, joy, peace, patience, mercy, righteousness, goodness, healing, eternal life, everlasting relationships, gentleness, knowledge, prosperity, wholeness, abundance, words of life, the faith-language of the Father, Son and Spirit in heaven on earth, is eternal because our God is eternal. Joining in, by participating, partnering, or companioning with the eternal work of our God, is joining in with God’s ______ solution for the Sin problem of mankind. As redemption for Sin, originated from our eternal God to you and me, partnership with God, vehicles redemption for Sin through you and me. As God is the ______, through union with Him we also become the solution. People often wonder how they can help to make this world a better place. Joining in with the redemptive work of our eternal God is a ______ that you can make daily. Your decision to join-in, is ______ to eternally affect a healthy change in this world, in addition to making a ______ investment.
Since our focus will major on the process of locating eternality within the fabric of our scriptures, then a definition for the word exegesis (pulling out of scripture), eisegesis (reading into scriptures), and hermeneutics (art/science of scripture interpretation), in addition to our limited use of the processes represented by each of these words, is also warranted. By definition, exegesis involves the attempt to explain what the text meant in the original literary and socio-historical setting for its original writer and audience. A simple working definition is that exegesis, is the attempt to interpret scriptures, as close to the context of its original language and meaning, as possible. Since we cannot go back to B.C. or A.D., it is impossible to interpret ancient scriptures in our bible with 100% accuracy. Because of our human nature, our words, phrases, and original intentions in our writings and documentations, are in a constant state of interpretive evolution.
Although passages of scriptures will be reviewed in this book from a limited exegetical perspective, this author informs the reader up front, that this book will begin and end with perspectives that are based upon interpretation of scripture through an Eternal Lens for intentional awareness, of eternal outcomes. This means that time will not be expended in this book, to present a false pretense of neutrality towards scripture as the disposition of this author. I repeat, scientific neutrality towards the scripture, is not the goal of this author. My intention, is to view scripture through a Lens of Eternality, which means a limited practice of eisegesis, will be included in the interpretation of scriptures by default. Also, some principles of hermeneutics, relative to identification and participation with eternal realities from eisegesis perspectives, will be presented in Chapters Three and Four.
The ultimate desires of the eternal Nature of the Divine, are “eternal.” Jesus revealed the Law of Sameness, when he said, “that, which is born of flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of spirit, is spirit” (Jn 3:6). In other words, sameness, is an indicator of uniformity, as well as the desires unique to this uniformity. The eternal Nature of God desires, what is uniformly within the eternal Nature of Himself. Likewise, eternality is also the deepest desire of the human soul that desires existence in uniformity with the Image and Likeness, of the Divine. This is the reason why Solomon said that mankind was “created to desire eternity” (Eccl 3:11). The ephemeral and temporary experiences of life, will never provide ultimate satisfaction of fulfillment, because the desires of our spiritual souls, are eternal.
As we learn how to discover eternal truths and realities that are located within the fabric of our scriptures, we will be challenged to choose to align ourselves with the purposes and activities of eternal realities in heaven, that also operate on our earth. The eternality of the everlasting, originates from our eternal God, for a purpose. God has established eternal operations, and activities in our world, in order to bring about the fulfillment of His promises regarding His ultimate everlasting, and endless, new world order of a heavenly earth. God intends for His present heavenly society, to transform earth into an endless heavenly society, so that both Divine households in heaven and earth, can become one eternal household, residing in one new heaven and earth location (Matt 6:10). Our eternal God, is controlling, shifting, bending events on earth, towards fulfillment of His ultimate eternal Will. Divine, eternal activity, is acting upon life in our universe, daily. We have opportunities to participate, and partner, with the eternal activities of God for shared eternal outcomes, every single day. Personal participation in the eternal love of God, eternal peace of God, joy of God, healing of God, compassion of God, goodness of God, etc., results in your personal edification and maturity as a bonus.
The Prospecting Process for this book, begins with agreement with an initial unction, received from the eternal Spirit of God (1 Jn 2:20). Why? Because the inclusion of eternality within the fabric of our scriptures, originated from and through the eternal Spirit of God (2 Tim 3:16). As the Spirit of God in heaven revealed the thoughts of God from heaven to earth, we must remember that God’s thought(s) do not originate through the human mind, but the Mind of our eternal God. For example, eternal thoughts, revelations, meanings, and purposes were communicated by God’s eternal Spirit to prophets, sages, writers, preachers, teachers, seers, kings, priest, men, women, boys and girls, throughout the scriptures in order to reveal the eternality of Divine intentions to mankind. The eternal Spirit of God, Who originated the scriptures, is really the only Person qualified to guide us into the eternal treasures that are concealed within the bible.
Locating the gold of eternality in our scriptures is our first priority in the Prospecting Process. Next, upon receiving an unction from the Holy Spirit concerning a certain word, phrase, or passage of scriptural gold, we must proceed to digging out the gold of eternality, and separating the gold (eternality), from the ephemeral (temporary). In actual gold mining, the raw gold was often heated or melted in order to get rid of unnecessary elements that were attached to it under the ground. The dross, or elements that were discarded or burned off, were still valuable for other purposes, but the desire was to remove all dross so that only pure gold would remain. As we learn how to separate scriptures that reveal eternality from scriptures that only refer to timely events, we develop a list of eternal verses for our everlasting vocabulary that may be progressively used, in service of mature articulation of eternal language. Finally, through our Prospecting Process, determination of what is relevant to our need and the needs of others, will help us prioritize the words we need to research, as we transition from the Prospecting Process to Rudiments of Research exercises.
Plenty of episodes in our scriptures that conceal eternal truths, await discovery by those who desire to look deep enough to find them. The Gospel of John, is replete with disclosures of eternality in almost every chapter. I did some digging for you in order to provide examples of timeless activities and truths such as, eternal presence, thoughts, words, and language from our eternal Father that were revealed, and released, by Jesus on this planet. Revelations of eternal love, peace, mercy, forgiveness, resurrection power, as well as episodes of direct communication between our Father in heaven and our eternal Christ, on earth, have been highlighted.
John 10:7-9: The new presence of God is no longer limited to the Holy of Holies in the Temple (The Ark of the Covenant, in the Holy of Holies section of the Temple had been removed during the Babylonian invasion of 587-586 B.C., and had not been returned, therefore the Ark of the Covenant, that God honored with His actual presence, was actually missing in the Holy of Holies section of the Temple during the time of Christ), The new connection, between God and Man, now occurred through the person of Jesus, the Christ, as the new spiritual Ark of the Covenant, according to God’s eternal agenda in heaven, on earth.
John 10:9, 10, 14,-16, 22,23: The new connection between God in heaven, and man on earth, was no longer limited to rituals in the Holy of Holies, but with the presence of Jesus at Solomon’s porch (global Court of the Gentiles & Women), located in the universal section of the Temple. The Holy of Holy was reserved, only for Jewish priest. However, the Court of the Gentiles was available to every soul. According to the agenda of our eternal God in heaven, Jesus would not be found in the Holy of Holies, or Priest or Jewish men only compartments of the Temple, but at the place in the Temple, where all humanity could have an opportunity to experience God, through Christ.
Within eternality, we discover all everlasting truths and realities. Sin, and other ephemerality in this life, will perish and one day cease to exist in the presence of eternal truth. Only the things that are eternal are worthy of the majority of my time and attention. Eternal solutions and realities of God like eternal salvation, everlasting love, endless joy, and perpetual peace, are what I choose to participate with daily as fulfillment of purpose in this life. Later, God revealed to me that the eternal is in the process of transforming the temporary, into the eternal. An example of this, is that our temporary societies are progressively being transformed into an eternal society, that will be ruled by Jesus Christ the heavenly Messiah on earth forever. As I was in the process of losing respect for the legitimacy of our bible, God opened my eyes to seeing the eternality of His presence, principles, and activity that was concealed within the fabric of our scriptures.
Shouldn’t we follow the example of Jesus by joining in with the redemptive, eternal work of the Father, through the Spirit of Christ on earth? The eternal activities of love, joy, peace, patience, mercy, righteousness, goodness, healing, eternal life, everlasting relationships, gentleness, knowledge, prosperity, wholeness, abundance, words of life, the faith-language of the Father, Son and Spirit in heaven on earth, is eternal because our God is eternal. Joining in, by participating, partnering, or companioning with the eternal work of our God, is joining in with God’s redemptive solution for the Sin problem of mankind. As redemption for Sin, originated from our eternal God, to you and me, partnership with God, vehicles redemption for Sin through you and me. As God is the solution, through union with Him we also become the solution. People often wonder how they can help to make this world a better place. Joining in with the redemptive work of our eternal God is a decision that you can make daily. Your decision to join-in, is guaranteed to eternally affect a healthy change in this world, in addition to making a heavenly investment.